Catalog excerpts
Dental Handpiece Manufacturer of Excellence -2021- Tealth Foshan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd mt ■. +Hnstt«iUfeffiiSEPLua^TOiiprtBi^EM^B4§ Address:No. 4, Qiling Road, Lutang Industrial Zone, Luocun, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong 528226,China. E8S( Tel) 0086-757-86436722 #K(Fax) 0086-757-86436987 M8I( Email) Rxfi( website) SDB«(5)EPSI®ai“aB3SSsl'5IS, mam/lKM. ! Catalogue pictures and parameters for reference only.we resen/e the right to make any improvements on products design without advance notice.
Open the catalog to page 1MADE IN CHINA Company Profile OZ Company profile Tealth Foshan Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. isa leading dental equipment manufacturer in China. Established in 2012, Tealth offers high-quality and affordable dental handpieces. All equipments aredesigned and self-produced within its headquarters using imported machinery from Japan and Europe. After years of technical and product innovation, we have a range of high-quality handpieces, our products meet all recognized international standards, allowing us to export all over the world. We have obtained CE certificate, and IS013485 certificates. At...
Open the catalog to page 2Development history , Tealth growing together with you! H zaz\ /i New factory, y | higher produce quality ZUZU Continued to expand marketingnetworks in Europe, the Middle East.and Asia sisitrsaii^r^Aim £fl/7 Acquired high-tech enterprises certification tWJMMfcfcfcll'ira it ZO/fi tjjg CD/3 . Launched a low-speed dental handpieces with internal spray ^^art§»)tafa±D°pi»95iW7jc® Developed surgical handpiece series Acquired two national high-tech product identification certifications ra^.¥-9'Ji=S®fiS»ffS7Ri=SvA®viE13 Acquired Nanhai Leading Enterprise honor &ZWB Acquired a national patent for...
Open the catalog to page 3Internal irrigation low speed dental handpiecej A*aMEa?H¥0i mmmmmwmmmInternal irrigation low speed dental handpiece
Open the catalog to page 4Medical Equipment Internal irrigation low speed dental handpiece J <? @S*/LED JSEEffilt/Push button CA <p2.35mm/FG ipl.60mm S*$fil/Max speed: 20,000 or 40,000 RPM forKavo (CA 02.35) fKiil*)7KillA^/CA bur head (Max 20.000 RPM) for Kavo (FG 01.60) ffiiSft7j<iif/l^:/FG bur head (Max 20.000 RPM) 9 @£*/LED fSGEffifrt/Push button CA (p2.35mm/FG ipl.60mm il/Max speed: 20,000 or 40,000 RPM for Kavo (CA 02.35) 'fSiirtzKiil/l^/CA bur head (Max 40.000 RPM) (FG 01.60) iliii ftTKiitfl^/FG bur head (Max 40.000 RPM)
Open the catalog to page 5Medical Equipment Internal irrigation low speed dental handpieceJ 4:1 =?t/l/ Contra Angle 4:1 fSiNttfl/Endo Contra Angle tSGEffift/Push button CA (p2.35mm S*lfil/Max speed: 5,000 RPM )$l±®?t/Push button S^fii/Max speed: 5,000 RPM ^aMS/Hand use files 16:1 fS!J=?fft/Endo Contra Angle ry )£fli®?+/Push button g*?#ii/Max speed: 2,500 RPM ^sStS/Hand use files fg^/ORDER: L6-01 for Kavo ICA + 2.35) 1fti£P*3?Ki5tflilc CA bur head jnAI Tealth
Open the catalog to page 6Medical Equipment Internal irrigation low speed dental handpieceJ 3,i£/Air Motor fA/Straight Head 9 ft£F#ft/F!BER OPTIC g*$$iI/Max speed:20,000 RPM HE/Air pressure:245-392 KPa UffaKE/Atomize water pressure: 200KPa Atomize air pressure: 200KPa $.Jfcffgy£/FIBER OPTIC SSfflKft/Swivel ring type CA (p2.35mm g±$fi!/Max speed:20,000 RPM fA/Straight Head g*?SiI/Max speed:20,000 RPM ■HE/Air pressure:245-392 KPa gt-tekffi/Atomize water pressure: 200KPa S{fc*tE/Atomize air pressure: 200KPa JSfflWft/Swivel ring type CA (p2.35mm g±$fil/Max speed:20,000 RPM W&/Air Motor fA/Straight Head
Open the catalog to page 7External irrigation low speed dental handpiece j External irrigation low speed dental handpiece f/l/Contra Angle Ul/Straight Head ESfflffitt/Swivel ring type CA cp2.35mm S*$S)I/Max speed:20,000 RPM ±ii£/Air Motor g*H>I/Max speed:20,000 RPM ■Hffi/Air pressure:245-392 KPa HfteKfli/Atomize water pressure: 200KPa Atomize air pressure: 200KPa
Open the catalog to page 8Medical Equipment TEALTH 9ft m is ff n « External irrigation low speed dental handpiecei ^ff/l/Contra Angle SjtTl/Contra Angle $ §S«/LED ©lt®l+/Latch type CA <p2.35mm S±?til/Max speed: 20,000 RPM tSGEKtt/Push button CA cp2.35mm e*RiS/Max speed: 20,000 RPM =f}Jl/Contra Angle Stf/l/Contra Angle ^tfl/Contra Angle ®JttlK+/Latch type CA (p2.35mm S*l$il/Max speed: 20,000 RPM tSEPSft/Push button FG ipl.60mm S*$fii/Max speed: 20,000 RPM
Open the catalog to page 9External irrigation low speed dental handpiece J 4:1 ^t/l/Contra Angle CA 02.35 ^XiiffiJItHSt/Contra angle head CA 02.35 LEDiWii-Em/lSt/ LED contra angle head » CA 02.35 t’htKii-SK'tHSt/Contra angle head tg^/ORDER: L6-12 CA 02.35 i’ttKiiREtHSt/Contra angle head #5?Jtf/hand use Pies 9t7j<)8fS1tt/Ufc/Endo contra angle head CA 02.35 £t?Kii“SK'tnjk/Contra angle head «£?lSllK?J§/ForlPR strip SC®ifif#tllSt/IPR contra angle head
Open the catalog to page 10External irrigation low speed dental handpiece J 3ii£/Air Motor S*Sf)i/Max speed:20,000 RPM ^fli/Air pressure:245-392 KPa HfKlKEi/Atomize water pressure: 200KPa Atomize air pressure: 200KPa ^iiS/Air Motor 91/Straight Head tg^/ORDER: SEN-01C ilflfl/CE: 1021-M4 S*IS)I/Max speed:20,000 RPM •HII/Air pressure:245-392 KPa S4teKfis/Atomize water pressure: 200KPa SH-K^S/Atomize air pressure: 200KPa 5£ffl®tt/Swivel ring type CA (p2.35mm »*t$iI/Max speed:20,000 RPM 6£ffl©tt/Swivel ring type CA (p2.35mm g^fii/Max speed:20,000 RPM
Open the catalog to page 11Implant contra angle j Implant contra angle 9 LED )$EE®t+/Push button CA (p2.35mm S*fSii/Max speed: 2,000 RPM ®61#3)tfcyGear ratio:20:l reduction i'SSSM/Sterilization temperature : 135°C LEDgigft, P3saas®?/VLED E-generator, self-illuminated
Open the catalog to page 12Medical Equipment t TEALTH 1 I 1 si 0 Implant contra angle J BB¥8l tS9/ORDER: R20N-02C ilflfl/CE: 3201CH tflfil/Torque: HfSStJlife/Easy detachable head ScflilRft'/Push button CA cp2.35mm **t$)I/Max speed: 2,000 RPM SffitfiStb/Gear ratio:20:l reduction PAiSlS/Sterilization temperature : 135°C
Open the catalog to page 13All Tealth Foshan Medical Equipment Co. catalogs and technical brochures
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