Leonardo DR Systems Superlight, portable Leonardo DR nano X-ray system for equine clinics and general veterinary practices
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Catalog excerpts

Light weight, only 5,4 kg and wireless The light portable DR system for X-ray examinations Superlight, portable Leonardo DR nano X-ray system for equine clinics and general veterinary practices
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Portable X-ray imaging: Superlight, only with X-ray detector and tablet PC Just sling the lightweight Leonardo bag over your shoulder and you are perfectly equipped for your next X-ray examination at your customer's premises. The Leonardo DR nano consists of two components only, a wireless X-ray detector and a tablet PC. Weighing only 5.4 kg, the system is one of the lightest portable X-ray solutions worldwide. It supports users in both inpatient and outpatient digital radiography. Optional extras are the protective cover for the detector and the matching carry bag. Due to its low weight...
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Benefits Digital X-ray imaging with Leonardo DR nano Wireless X-ray imaging The X-ray detector is available in two sizes (10 x 12 inches and 14 x 17 inches) as a wireless version. If you use it with a battery powered HF X-ray generator, X-ray imaging will be completely wireless and portable. Your benefit: Ready for operation in no time and no more tripping over cables. The smallest and lightest DR system The very compact Leonardo DR nano is housed in a well designed sturdy carry bag. Weighing only about 6.5 kg in total (including optional carry bag) it can easily be transported anywhere....
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Remote controlled Grid lines You can use a mobile terminal, such as your smartphone, via a special app as a remote control to take and view images. Attached to your arm or the X-ray generator, it also serves as a control element allowing the user to gain a first impression of the images taken without having to move to the actual console workstation (tablet PC). Your benefit: Guaranteed professional and fast workflow. Well designed An integrated X-ray positioning guide provides information on the correct adjustment technique for each examination, classified according to animal species (cat,...
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Functionality Take X-rays wirelessly from now on Restricted freedom of movement and tangled cables are now a thing of the past. The Leonardo DR nano system leaves you enough room to work comfortably even in confined spaces. The X-ray unit and the detector communicate wirelessly with the acquisition software on the tablet PC. For safe operation, the distance between the X-ray detector and the tablet PC may be up to 10 m! After taking the X-ray, you can view the images instantly on the tablet PC or forward them to the animal owner or a specialist for an expert opinion (via Cloud). Wireless...
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Transport bag for the Leonardo DR nano system (optional) • sufficient space for the 14“ x 17“ detector with or without a protective cover and tablet PC • weight approx. 2 kg • external dimensions 55.5 x 49 x 6 cm • padded and fitted with a sturdy protective frame • water repellent – safe in rainy conditions • additional compartment to store the detector's battery charger and the power cable of the tablet PC • including shoulder strap
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with dicomPACS DX-R Remote control – Use your smartphone as a remote control device for taking and viewing images during the X-ray procedure To allow you to work conveniently and speedily outside your practice or clinic, OR Technology has developed a remote control tool, the dicomPACS®DX-R Remote control, for the Leonardo system. By means of our special app you can control the X-ray process and view the images on a mobile terminal like your smartphone, iPod or iPad. Attached to your arm or the X-ray generator, it also serves as a control element allowing the user to gain a first impression...
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Upper arm cuff for your mobile terminal unit for taking and viewing images Smartphone bracket for easy positioning on the portable X-ray generator - images can be viewed instantly
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Software Benefits of the professional acquisition software & additional solutions State of the art graphic user interface, adaptable for almost any language version Safe and fast capturing of emergency patient data Allows the user to switch between examinations of a patient, for instance to avoid having to re-position the patient frequently Special functions like HD measuring, special image filters, TPLO, TTA, MMP, vertebral heart score, distraction index, multi generator operation to change between mobile and stationary X-ray systems etc. Fully integrated radiographic positioning guide for...
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A single click opens the X-ray positioning guide for horses, dogs and cats Di agr am fo r pla nn ing a spe cif ic X- ra y job Sw itc h to pl an ni ng X - ra y job s fo r ca ts, ho rs es or sm al l an im al s/ ex ot ic an im al s Job planning Pro vide s num erou s hint s on pati ent posi tion ing, cent ral ray , tips and tric ks, com mon mist ake s etc. Show s an imag e of a corre ct X-r ay exam inati on X-ray positioning guide Full scope of functio ns for image process ing and diagnos tic Integrated viewer for professional image diagnosis
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Professional viewer with a full range of functions – and integrated in the acquisition software The dicomPACS®vet viewer for image evaluation is completely integrated. Extensive search tools allow comparing X-ray examinations, even of different patients.
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Useful tools such as configurable measuring magnifiers greatly facilitate diagnostic evaluation. The integrated prosthesis module facilitates preoperative surgery planning (optional).
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Software Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations (optional) [currently only available for Germany] Presale and prepurchase examinations for horses are always particularly challenging for veterinarians. Such specialised examinations must be carried out swiftly yet very meticulously documented very well, in great details and extremely consistently. After all, the owner of the animal justifiably expects optimal service when it comes to undertaking the examination and presenting the results in a professional and comprehensible fashion. Since administrative...
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