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Tecnosoft is your best partner for processes and products monitoring. We are the data consultants and we provide it to you by adapting to your needs and processes. Tecnosoft does not limit itself to developing the simple device but provides a complete solution that includes software dedicated to different applications and different areas, which respond to the regulatory needs in force and the need for simplicity and user friendliness. We can turn users needs into new systems and services with the possibility to customize them, thanks to Tecnosoft flexibility and continuous updates.

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PROCESS MONITORING Temperature, humidity, pressure solutions. DEEPWAVE Real time monitoring solutions BLUEWAVE Bluetooth data logger for process monitoring COLD CHAIN Cold chain monitoring solutions TS MANAGER Validation software TC LOG Thermocouples Temperature data logger

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PROCESS MONITORING TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE SOLUTIONS Data logger [from English data=data ; logger=recorder]: electronic device that records data over time from one or more sensors (channels) by sampling them at regular or dynamic intervals, with external or battery power. SterilDisk Probe Rigid Flexible Bendable Rigid Flexible Bendable Rigid Flexible Bendable Flat Rigid Flexible Temperature: MicroW and SterilDisk Series for validation of thermal processes validation (cooking, pasteurization, sterilization) or daily routine in the life science and food fields. Battery life 1. Probe...

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Pressure: PressureDisk series for high pressures, up to 5 bar, and saturated steam processes. Pirani series for extreme vacuum for freeze-drying and plasma sterilization processes (H2O2). Pirani Vacuum Logger Pirani Vacuum Logger Battery life Umidity: RHTemp series for instruments validation and environmental processes monitoring such as drying and incubation. Pirani Vacuum Logger

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COLD CHAIN Temperature-controlled and continuous transport monitoring solutions for environments, warehouses, fridges, cold rooms etc. Windows and Mobile apps for data management and report printing. Can also be used for thermal mapping according to GDP or in the food sector for HACCP compliance. COLD CHAIN MONITORING SOLUTIONS Stick Logger: TempStick with internal or external cable sensor of various types and HumiStick for temperature and humidity. It is requested the USB connection base for the communication with PC.

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BlueLOG: Real-time Bluetooth communication with Android and iOS Mobile. Internal or external cable temperature sensor, also for ultra freezers, humidity, inclination and shock/shock sensors. Manual start via button, real-time alarms with acoustic signal and LED. App with report printing, Excel export, tracking of stops on Maps. Real-time Cloud NOD also available (internet connection required). iOs Store MONDAY TempStick TUESDAY Humistick Temperatur Range External sensor Temp NFC: Contactless for Android Mobile with internal or external temperature cable sensor, ultra freezers are included.

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REAL TIME MONITORING SOLUTION cosmetic, healthcare and medical fields. The measurements are carried out by Smart Sensors, digital sensors that are always calibrated and connected to radio data loggers. The system is widely versatile and scalable and allows you to extend the network at any time, being able to add sensors and radio modules where and when you want. Helios is the heart of the DeepWave system: it receives data from data loggers and saves them in the TSLog 21 database, the management software that can be validated with HACCP, 21 CFR Part11, Annex 11, GAMP 5 regulations. The LoRa...

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The Smart Sensor is a digital sensor with built-in data conversion and calibration parameters: in this way the recalibration process is easy and quick, just by replacing sensors. It does not request the techician intervention on-site for the TEMPERATURE SMART SENSOR PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL SMART SENSOR TSLog 21 allows you to manage multiple users with different levels, each user accesses via Login and Password. The data can be viewed in graphic format with zoom and table, and can be printed in customizable reports by exporting them to Excel. Alarms are sent via email and/or calibration and it...

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TS MANAGER VALIDATION SOFTWARE Validation, certification and qualification, mapping and everyday use software that supports all Tecnosoft data loggers. From thermal process validation to warehouse mapping, TS Manager is the most powerful tool that can accompany you in your work. It meets all the requirements of FDA 21 CFR Part 11, GAMP5, Annex 11 regulations and offers a wide choice of functions and options for the analysis and reporting of your data. MAIN FEATURES > New UI for a modern User Experience > Multi-level access (guest, standard, advanced, administrator) via login and password >...

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Impostazioni Pro DEFAULT Amministratore ADMIN Stampa Connesione Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;user Instance=true Stazione DEFAULT Forza il controllo del database al prossimo avvio Richiedi l’autorizzazione per avviare la missione Richiedi l’autorizzazione per fermare la missione Solo gli amministratori possono creare nuovi utenti Controllo integrità alll’apertura delle misiioni 30 Richiesta di inserire la password dopo periodo di inattività Numero giorni di scadenza della password Percorsi Codice di registrazione Percorso dati missione...

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BLUETOOTH DATA LOGGER FOR PROCESS MONITORING Forget connection bases, receivers, accessories and additional devices: today you can receive data in real time directly on your PC or on your Smartphone*. No connection bases, receivers, accessories are needed. With the BlueWave series for temperature and pressure processes monitoring the user can control processes in real time and without additional space. Receive data and share it instantly. *Bluetooth 5.0 or higher device required Bluewave Temperature Bluewave Pressure Rigid Rigid + Bendable Flexible Bendable Pressure Rigid + Pressure...

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Up to 8 channels profile, resistant up to 130°C, available for T, K or Universal thermocouples, both with and without connectors. Various thermal protections are available and can be used in extreme heated environments. THERMOCOUPLES TEMPERATURE DATA LOGGER MONDAY MONDAY 132 x 80 x 25 mm Temperature range of sensor:

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All Tecnosoft SRL catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MicroW S

    2 Pages

  2. Tecno Calib

    1 Pages

  3. TS Manager

    2 Pages

  4. TS-LOG 21

    1 Pages

  5. TC-Log 8 USB

    2 Pages

  6. Saturn

    2 Pages

  7. Neptune

    2 Pages

  8. Jupiter

    2 Pages

  9. Mercury

    2 Pages

  10. Gea

    2 Pages

  11. Moon

    2 Pages

  12. SterilDisk

    2 Pages