

Catalog excerpts


“WORKING TOGETHER FOR YOU” Tecnove Business Group is a holding company made up of 10 companies which work together on a daily basis to maintain the leadership in each of the sectors in which they are present. The knowledge and experience of 35 years of career, as well as the contribution of each and every one of the companies, allow us to optimise results, provide integrated solutions, and offer the best customised products and services anywhere in the world. CORPORATE IMAGE IMAGEN We design, manufacture and maintain all types of bobywork and special vehicles, incorporating the latest...

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Management projects F O R E ST M A N AG E M E N T Tecnove Forestry was created with the idea of offering our clients Sustainable Forestry management. In the last three years we have managed more than 300.000 hectares of wooded areas through varied works for which studies are carried out prior to our action, with the aim of evaluating the impact on the natural environment so that the final result can be planeed in the long term. We are commited to training as a fundamental basis for both public and private institutions to promote the sustainable management of the natural spaces that surround...

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FORESTRY PLANNING & HILL MANAGEMENT SILVICULTURAL REPORT Specific and reliable description of all information present in the tree, shrub and herbaceous. In addition to the terrain configuration. Instruments of sustainable Forestry Management that serve as planning tools for forest mass, guaranteeing their good management. Spatial-temporal organization of forest resources. Forest Management

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FOREST INVENTORY TECHNICAL PLANS Field work in which the whole forest is analysed in order to obtain the main mass variables, such as the number of feet, the basimetric area, or the volumen of wood, among others, through the adjustment of statical models. Systematic sampling LiDAR inventory: individual Mass Hunting management Silvoherding plans Exploitation of resins, cork, etc. Forest Management

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SIGNALING AND PLACING OF WOOD PROPERTY PROTECTION Silvicultural intervention in a mass of trees, in which the trees to be cut are selected, physically marked and measured, following a Forest Management objective. +400 Ha MARKED Wood Signaling Marking: Chaspe Painting Demarcations Property studies Cartographic updating Land surveying and staking out. Forest Management

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SIGNALING DASOCRATIC CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Marking by painting the boundaries of the stands that make up a hill. Forest roads Water crossings Retaining walls Water troughs Shelters Enclosures Cattle grid Gates Cattle corrals and corrals +5.000 Ha TRABAJADAS Training and information days • Talk and videos Forest Management Recreational areas: green areas Digitalization and outline of paths

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SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS Works to maintain hills in an optimar state from the point of view of production and conservation. TECNOVE HERENCIA Avda. Alcázar 6 13640 - Herencia - Ciudad Real (España) Manual Mechanized Prunes and clearing Removal of debris REFORESTATION Set of necessary techniques to create a mass forest, stable with the environment and which, adopting the desired characteristics, fulfils the purposes demanded of it. Land preparation Plantation Maintenance MADRID C/ Joaquín Bau, 2 28036 - Madrid (España) +34 673 076 458 “Taking care of our...

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All Tecnove catalogs and technical brochures


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