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Reliability, Innovation, Versatility, Safety... in the hands of the surgeon.

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SPACER: a great idea from Tecres Prosthetic infection is one of the most serious complications in orthopedic surgery and is very difficult to treat. The latest data available in the literature indicate that in the first two years after implanting hip or knee prosthesis, 1,6% will encounter some form of infection.(1-2) In recent years, bacteria have developed resistance to classic antibiotics and the problem is now even more difficult to face. Moreover, resistance to methicillin by Staphylococci (MRS) reaches peaks of 50% in Mediterranean Europe, UK and USA.3-4 The two-stage revision process...

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ready to use, with preformed shapes and different sizes. It makes faster both the surgery first stage and the second one. ■ Safety: the devices have mechanical and pharmacological performances standardized and certified. ■ Effectiveness: known, extended and long release of antibiotic. using of an industrial device, not an hand-made one. spacer allows deambulation with partial weight-bearing and permits to make some basic daily activities, this allows the patient to be independent. of functional recovery time: faster discharge from hospital.

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Excellent mechanical properties that allow the patient to deambulate with partial weight-bearing The devices have been tested as permanent prosthesis to support full weight-bearing for 6 months.00111 The device must be used at partial weight-bearing. 00111 Effectiveness and extended release of antibiotics The release of gentamicin presents high local first 24-48 hours after spacer implant. The concentrations are largely above the susceptibility of bacteria. Serum levels are low Concentration of antibiotic in drainage in The median intra-articular gentamicin levels were considered...

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For both the Cement A and Cement B spacers, there was hardly any additional release after the first week. Concentration (µg/ml) Commercial cement loaded with antibiotic is unsuitable for spacers Antibiotic release from hand-made spacers (Fig. 4) Increasing the dose of antibiotics in commercial cement: Antibiotic release from hand-made spacers (Fig. 4) influences initial release Gentamicin release was most rapid during the first 6 h and continued at a much lower rate thereafter. reduces mechanical performances When gentamicin was added to unloaded cement (1-4 g), there was a significant...

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The Tecres spacer resembles a femoral prosthesis. It has a load-bearing structure in stainless steel coated with gentamicin bone cement. Available in 6 sizes (3 head sizes with standard stem and 3 head sizes with XL stem). The proximal cementation of the neck with bone cement is suggested. Spacer® G Flat Stem Spacer G flat stem resembles Spacer G but has a thinner, flatter stem that fits more easily in the narrow femoral cavity. The top of the stem has been designed to preserve the greater trochanter. Available in 6 sizes (3 head sizes with standard stem and 3 head sizes with XL stem). The...

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Spacer® K - InterSpace Knee (USA) Spacer K resembles a knee prosthesis made in bone cement with gentamicin. It comprises two independent articulating elements. The tibial component has a flat base on which the femoral component articulates. Available in 3 sizes. The proximal cementation of the neck with bone cement is compulsory. Vancogenx®- Space Knee The exclusive line of spacers with gentamicin and vancomycin, for the infections caused by resistant bacteria Gram+ as S. epidermidis, MRS, CoNS o Entrococci. Available in 4 sizes. The proximal cementation of the neck with Vancogenx bone...

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Spacer® S - InterSpace Shoulder (USA) Spacer S resembles a shoulder prosthesis, it has a load-bearing structure in stainless steel coated with gentamicin bone cement. Available in 2 sizes. The proximal cementation of the neck with bone cement is compulsory SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Remove the prosthesis and clean the host site by aggressive debridement, removing all residues of cement, if present. Select the right size with the trial device (Trial). Apply antibiotic loaded bone cement to underside of spacer head. Insert the shoulder spacer into the humeral canal while approximating anatomical...

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Safety & Effectiveness Tecres Spacers are the most studied in the world, with more than 500 cases published on peer-reviewed journals. CLINICAL RESULTS Type J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2010) TOTAL * septic arthritis Clinical studies published in peerreviewed journals by several international centers have demonstrated that the use of a preformed industrial spacer with gentamicin produces excellent results in functional and biological (eradication of infection) point of view. More than 95% were free from infection at the latest follow-up.

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Ordering information SPACER for HIP Head size (mm) Spacer G Flat Stem Spacer Flat Stem (three-size set) Spacer Flat Stem XL (three-size set) SPACER for KNEE Tibial dimension (mm) Vancogenxspace Knee Spacer for knee (three-size set) Spacer for knee XL (one size) SPACER for SHOULDER Head size (mm) Spacer for shoulder (two-size set)

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Bibliography 1. Ong KL, Kurtz SM, Lau E, Bozic KJ, Berry DJ, Parvizi J. Prosthetic joint infection risk after total hip arthroplasty in the Medicare population. J Arthroplasty. 2009 Sep;24(6 Suppl):105-9. Epub 2009 Jun 2. 2. Kurtz SM, Ong KL, Lau E, Bozic KJ, Berry D, Parvizi J. Prosthetic joint infection risk after TKA in the Medicare population. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Jan;468(1):52-6. Epub 2009 Aug 8. 3. EARSS Annual Report - Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe 2009. Annual report of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net)...

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B1C074 rev 06/13 distributed by TECRES S. p. A. Via A. Doria, 6 - Sommacampagna - Verona (Italy) tel. +39 045 92 17 311 - fax +39 045 92 17 330 -

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All Tecres catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Cal-CEMEX

    6 Pages

  2. Mendec-Spine

    2 Pages

  3. Vancogenx

    8 Pages

  4. Cemex

    12 Pages