Catalog excerpts

INFECTIOUS SEROLOGY – VIROLOGY – VIRAL RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS Adenovirus | Influenza A / B Parainfluenza | RS virus Enzyme immunoassays for the diagnostics of viral respiratory infections Diagnostic kits are intended for professional use in the laboratory. ELISA kits are optimized and validated for detection of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies in human serum and plasm
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INFECTIOUS SEROLOGY – VIROLOGY – VIRAL RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS Introduction Adenoviruses are human and animal pathogens Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIV) belong to a sub- characterised by significant indifference to the envi- group of paramyxoviruses (the Respirovirus and Rubu- ronment. Acute adenoviral infections have an incuba- lavirus genera) and cause infections primarily in young tion period of 5–7 days. They spread via droplets or the children, adolescents and immunodeficient individuals, faecal-oral route. Reinfections are common. The pre- but may affect everyone. The parainfluenza...
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G and fusion glycoprotein F) lead to the production of virus-neutralizing antibodies. G glycoproteins are highly variable, in contrast to F glycoproteins. Diagnosis of Infection Diagnosis of the disease is based on the overall clinical picture, epidemiological anamnesis and laboratory tests. Acute respiratory infections can be detected by isolation of the virus or serologically. Immunoenzymatic tests are important for the serological diagnostics because they are very sensitive and allow the detection of various antibodies classes. Responses of IgM-class antibody may sometimes be missing,...
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INFECTIOUS SEROLOGY – VIROLOGY – VIRAL RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS ELISA Test Principle The assays are based on a sandwich type of ELISA Adenovirus – native antigen Influenza A – native nuclear antigen in combination with recombinant haemagglutinins, updated annually HRP Influenza B – native nuclear antigen in combination with recombinant haemagglutinins, updated annually Microtiter plate Parainfluenza mix – antigen combination of three individual parainfluenza virus types (1,2,3) RS virus – native antigen Summary Protocol Test steps Dilute samples – serum/plasma 1:101 (10 μl + 1 ml) Pipette...
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ELISA Diagnostic Sensitivity Diagnostic Specificity
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INFECTIOUS SEROLOGY - VIROLOGY - VIRAL RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS Ordering Information Cat. No. Product No. of Wells SmartEIA kits are designed for automated processing using the Agility® analyser il Test Line® TestLine Clinical Diagnostics Ltd. Krizikova 68, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic +420549 121203 sales@testlinecd.com www.testlinecd.com Company is certified to the quality management system standards ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 for in vitro diagnostics.
Open the catalog to page 8All TestLine Clinical Diagnostics catalogs and technical brochures
Herpes Simplex Virus
8 Pages
8 Pages
Parvovirus B19
4 Pages
Veterinary Portfolio
20 Pages
12 Pages