Catalog excerpts
.·Thempson llJI Tooth Extracting Forceps Root Elevators Scalpel Handles, Handles, Mouth Mirrors Scalers, Explorer I Probes Endodontic Condensers, Obturation Instruments Excavators, Explorer I Probes, Curette Sets Amalgam Pluggers I Condensers, Burnishers Wax Carvers, Carvers, Chisels Campsite Placement, Plastic Filling Instruments Curettes, Gracey Curettes, Dental Products, Knives
Open the catalog to page 2Wax Porcelain &Cement Instruments Wax&. Modeling Instruments Spatulas, Cement Spatulas Files, Hoes, Knives, Wax & Plaster Knives, Crane Kaplan Bone Curettes 1 Bone Files, Bone Chisels, Bone Mallets Crown Removers, Crown Instruments Implants &Measuring Instruments, Suction Tubes, Bone Gauges Amalgam Guns a Carriers, Retainers, Bands, Strip Holders, Napkin Holde
Open the catalog to page 3Syringes, Tweezers, Sterilizing &Lab Instruments Endodontic Forceps, Tissue Forceps, Haemostatic Forceps, Towel Clamps Retractors, lip & Cheek Retractors, Hooks, Depressors &Mouth Gags, Sterilizing Forceps Orthodontic Pliers &Cutters, Rongeurs Needle Holders, Scissors, Micro Surgery Set Impression Trays Articulators, Hollow Wares Scissors, Dissecting Forceps, Needle Holders, Wire Cutting Pliers With Tungsten Carbide Inserts
Open the catalog to page 4··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern"
Open the catalog to page 6Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" upper laterals & cani· nes Fig. 4 upper incisors & canines upper premolars lower premolars lower premolar
Open the catalog to page 7Extracting Forceps "English Pattern" Fig. 18 upper molars, left upper molars 1010 Fig. 13S lower premolars for ctuldren. 1011 Fig. 17 upper molars. right
Open the catalog to page 8··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" lower molars 1019 Fig. 22S lower molars for children upper third molars Fig. 23 lower molars nghl lower molars left
Open the catalog to page 9··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" upper roots 1028 Fig. 30S upper roots for ch ildreo
Open the catalog to page 10··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" lower roots Fig. 37 upper incisors for chlldren
Open the catalog to page 11··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 39 uppor molars foe children Fig. 39R upper molars right f or children 1035 Ftg 38 lower 1ncasors & canines for children 1040 Fig. 39L upper molars loft for children upper molars for children lower molars for children
Open the catalog to page 12··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" lower roots
Open the catalog to page 13··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" upper roors
Open the catalog to page 14··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" upper molars lower molars 1057 Fig. 65l upper molars left upper molars uppor third molars 1059 Fig. 67A upper third molars
Open the catalog to page 15··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 67 Y,L upper third molars loft 1060 Ftg. 67 ~R ~ppor third molars lower molars lower molars right lawer molars reft
Open the catalog to page 16··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 73B lower molars for children 1072 Fig. 73K lower molars for children lower roots lowor roots
Open the catalog to page 17··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 74XN lowor roots and crowded incisors lower premolaIS
Open the catalog to page 18··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" 1081 Fig. 79A lowor third molars 1080 Fig. 79 lower third molars 1082 Fig. 81 lower premolars and roots
Open the catalog to page 19.·Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h Pattern" ng is lowor molars lower molars Fig. 9 1 for separating lowe.r molars
Open the catalog to page 20··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 101 upper premolers and roots
Open the catalog to page 21& Extracting Forceps “English Pattern" 1093 Fig. 102 upper molars right
Open the catalog to page 22··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" Fig. 137 lower inciSOf'S and rools 1101 Fig. 136 upper premolars and roots
Open the catalog to page 23··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern" 1104 MEAD (MD 1) upper antenors roots. inasors· canines ' . pper third molars 1109 1106 MEAD (MD 3) lower roots 1107 MEAD (MD4) lower molars HERT~ (Fig. 211) lower incisor
Open the catalog to page 24Wisdom Extracting Forceps ~fi~~~IER (Fig. 213) lower molars and wisdom right ~1~~~~ FORCEPS upper roots lowor molars and wisdom loft lower molars and wisdom left lower molars and wisdom righ
Open the catalog to page 25··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern"
Open the catalog to page 26Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern"
Open the catalog to page 27··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern"
Open the catalog to page 28··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "E 1· h p ng is attern"
Open the catalog to page 29··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "W F.ittmg Handle" .th . 1 upper laterals and canines uppor incisors and canines lower incisors and canines 1145 Fig. 1 upper laterals and canines Fig. 138 lower premolars for children
Open the catalog to page 30··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "W F·ittmg Handle" .th . 1 1153 Fig. 18 upper molars left 1156 Fig. 19 upper third molars 1158 Fig. 22S lower molars for childrert
Open the catalog to page 31··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "W F·ittmg Handle" .th . 1 Fig. 295 upper roots for children Fig. 305 upper roots for children
Open the catalog to page 32··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "W F·ittmg Handle" .th . 1 Fig. 33S lower roots for children Fig. 37 upper incisOtS for children Fig. 39A upper molars for children Fig. 39R upper molars right for children Fig. 39L upper molars left for children
Open the catalog to page 33··Thempson . Extracting Forceps " F·ittmg Handle" . 1 upper roots lower roots upper roots upper roots upper roots for children
Open the catalog to page 34··Thempson . Extracting Forceps "W f"ittmg Handle" .th . 1 Fig. 65R upper molars nght for separating upper molars Fig. 65L upper molars left Fig. 67 upper third molars Fig. 67A upper third molars
Open the catalog to page 35All Thempson catalogs and technical brochures
Covid-19 Test Kit
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Sterilization Container
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Surgical Instruments
1090 Pages