Catalog excerpts
Tenikler-n kLllcaiim sohalan; hastaneler, amelrv^.naneler,laboearLM=rlar. klinker, ecza ddaplan, lex; ureticilefi, elektronik sanay.yemekfabrlhalan el enlegre tecisler. kapticcSu, hascas zeminler. Uredrrcie kulkir'i an iVel mul/erre S[3ye5ind0 lerikterimij yikanuolir ve Steril edilebiii-. Ter ve koku yggrradtyi gioir OyOkkJdb montCi (;li4umula nerJen Olmri/lgi. k; yusy fOtMTHndC* ktJS>arc:-dar. suretli (jyd< latjanna rrjQEOi yupardk kdn (i^a^irTyh saglar vedyakian dinlendrir. ■ Clocks Ore u$ed in; HcS^'Ols. CperCliCh lOCrns, LabdrdlOcies. CfrliCS. MediCOl depdS, Merfcine producers, food...
Open the catalog to page 2Technical Features • Washable at 90C and 134C autoclave suitable. • Special non slippery base • High breaking flexibility. • Special ventilation spaces design which prevent the entry of fluids from outside. • Comfortable, supply pain free walking with special heel system resists abrasion. • Special bubbles desing on inner top side which minimise the contact with top foot surface and prevent prespiration. Teriikler n kLllaum sahalan: has-taieler, amelryathareler,bbccarLr,'icrlar. linker, eioo dclapJan, iag ureticilea elektronik sanay. yemek fabdknbrr, el enlegre tecisleri. kapticda; hascas...
Open the catalog to page 3Surgical innovation Sytems From Access to Repair Address: Veko Giz Plaza, Meydan Sokak No.3/43, Kat.13 Maslak, Istanbul,Turkey Phone: +90 212 705 36 16, Fax: +90 212 705 36 36
Open the catalog to page 4All Thempson catalogs and technical brochures
Covid-19 Test Kit
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Sterile Container Accessories
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Sterilization Container
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Wire Baskets
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Silicon Mats
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FISH Probe Kits
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Thempson Surgical Instruments
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Surgical Instruments
1090 Pages
Dental Instruments
229 Pages