Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1COMPANY PROFILE Transact International established in Sialkot – Pakistan and have more than 15 years of experience in manufacturing Surgical & Dental Instruments. This family owned and operated company has export relationships around the globe. The Head Office and Manufacturing unit are one of the largest facility in Sialkot for manufacturing Surgical, Dental Instruments. Our company certified ISO 9001, ISO 13485 & CE Mark Our Mission Focussing on ultimate leadership and serving Humanity. We will serve Humanity with high quality, safe and durable products and create a new concept of market...
Open the catalog to page 2TABLE OF CONTENTS INHALTSVERZEICHNIS TABLE DES MATIERES TABLADECONTENIDO T ransact INTERNATIONAL <C'ju[aaux d'explotiaiticHi •Cuchrftoi ue iLinetaftlrtftlto 8-16 S'&uporcut Sensor* •Crtsan* Supercui ■CnwfLiiJi Suinsrcul 1 T1f«n Supertut DRESSING FORCEPS / TWEEZERS 'D«ssiMj Fwcafis- B'BLiliftpfl HpmoeHitie Fo'C<5pii; ‘FkiWog Narrms-laciscria Fd>rc*f>sa ■PuINlojl For(jjptij MmoataUqiJI 'L-ul Utxj >i■■ sidlfOO RkMpstj DRESSING FORCEPS S'PoWu* i •Tup-far unfl Pincette ■ Polypus st pificss -i panswrent ■Pdfapoa v Ha Veitir
Open the catalog to page 4TABLE OF CONTENTS INHALTSVERZElCHNfS TABLE DES MATURES TABLADECONTENIDO T ransact INTERNATIONAL Tracheotomy Instruments ■ Tfathaa £>ialj&i« arid ■Traprtaq l; :liI.iI_-run unrl RoKir-l-.ii hii ■Dil-auraurs (raetris el retractsurt -rnlfl^fia diijiadorcis y refractor** 241-242 Bf'mbev Qaruit.QfMpIng amt tiuiaoa Clamfn ‘P^bt = Krone Grtren u™ Muscle !icr--piipi Goitre Instruments 244 0 246-247 Instruments 1UuT>i/* Ciceceg,Scraper Uoncrjog Kmie acd CylpnimMP Tiiipltrinc „Lupu4 K^eren, s-.riabu- Megger uPd Moncraps Kutenfl Hakpn. Tr-wHdfi fiumott lupui, ini. .-ill-i r-tij rrriipii el Mcxkzcoe...
Open the catalog to page 5TABLE OF CONTENTS INHALTSVERZEICHNIS TABLE DES MATURES TABLA DE CONTENIOO Oral Maxillo Facial Surgery HolEoware Instruments ■ Micro Ear Forceps 26 - ■ ■ ■ ins'mmerrs HOLLO'A'ARE ■ insrminentas OrfePreria 414-424
Open the catalog to page 6SCALPEL / KNIVES Scalpel Handles Potgn^es Scalpel SKalpeSlgrrfle Los mangos de bislufr Scalpel Plastic H jndlc
Open the catalog to page 8SCALPEL / KNIVES Scalpel Handles Paigndes Scalpel Scalpel Handle TI-^v-n llerm l|l Scalpel Handle TI-U£V..f 12cm M 3rt
Open the catalog to page 9SCALPEL / KNIVESOperating knivei Couleaux d'exptoilationBetrietrssy&iem Messer Cucfwilos de funciwumlento T ransact INTERNATIONAL
Open the catalog to page 10Transact INTERNATIONAL SCALPEL / KNIVES FittuJa Knives F;t'..i la Msssei- Coutoaux fislute CuchiHos fistula
Open the catalog to page 11SCALPEL / KNIVES Amputation Knivui Comeaux amputaljon Length of' IjJ&lMis LirtQr Car &:~.iuTc---ienguBui d*L p*lMfe Longdiil dr ies pain iPtialafi^aal fcjrfe xPiaianawler. Iriesse? tcmWii:: piiuLlruj^lr^ ojclmlkt dr litjr»yr
Open the catalog to page 12SCALPEL / KNIVES Autopsy Knives Couieau* d'autcpsia Au LopSie&kalpetle Cuchillos de <a autopsia
Open the catalog to page 13SCALPEL / KNIVES Skin Graflmg Knives Couteaux greffes de [xsau Ha uflransplan ta tkm Messer Irenes de pie! Cucftl lies
Open the catalog to page 14SCALPEL / KNIVES Razor Blade Brmakers Breakers de lames do resolr Razor Blade Breakers Breakers Razor Wade
Open the catalog to page 15SCALPEL / KNIVES Dissecting Sei Tfwsse 3 dissection Dissecting Set La dtseccldn de AJuste Pis Rii.’Eini] Sol Contains 4 kistruments ill ) TI-Advanc* Anatomy Dissecting Set Contain* 0 Instrumonta
Open the catalog to page 16SCISSORS Sup^rtui Stissofi Ci&eaux Supercul Cisaaii* Stipercut Tijeras Supercut T ransact INTERNATIONAL Straigm TM^-^ Curved TI-^-.'1-"f. Sfralgftf ;p>. rn5” Jrufl rettCJ Cur#«l G«bdQ«hF i-Olrt* Curra itww. geiatie ifim flsrtde rtrio CuiVM Gflboqa#* UDtfbt-Cuhw
Open the catalog to page 18SCISSORS Supercul Sdssnr* Ciseaux Supercul Ciwaux Supercul Tifefas Supercul Sims TI- ''■' Oa-5' ?■■} c,-v 5" TI- I' 06■ SiralgiYi ■a=radc fetEcj Ouir«edi GeMgene fWM C-^na Reynolds TI-'i'MS TI-o'il^-C sir*i^ii 15-cnV6" Cjvm gaiad* draf *»cl»
Open the catalog to page 19SCISSORS Sup&rcul Scfssflfs. Ciseaux Supijrcui Ciseaua Suptrcut Tijeras SupercuL
Open the catalog to page 20SCISSORS SupercuL Scissors Ciseaux Supwcut Ciseaux Supercut Tljeras Supercut
Open the catalog to page 21SCISSORS Operating Scissors Chlmrgiscne Scherer? Ciseaux (Te^pkJiiaiion Tijeras de tunCiOnarr lento T ransact INTERNATIONAL Tl-'-'. ■■■ Tl-vi V- V. Tl-ijW-V'V: Tl-Si.r-'i?, Tl-dJ*1.-^ Curved Cyjticssrnr . cJiJifrt Curve Standard FJB. 3 Tl-^'O-Tl-V-^ " Tl-'^S:-‘i Tl-Vi.Vi-M Tl-i^:-‘2 Tl-ic^i-W Tl-'! .-i ■: Tl-^.^^
Open the catalog to page 22SCISSORSOperating Scissors Cls&au* d'e*plOilJitk>nCh*urgisehe Scharen Tijetas de fundonarrnemo 115_cmMUi* Standard P'S- 1 TI-v^-W TI-vTM' TI-TI-'f Tl-Tl-.-'.'^^ Tl-TI- TI-iil'E-Hi ti-e-.-.t Tl-biac-ift TI-M-’.-W
Open the catalog to page 23SCISSORS Deeding Sclswrs Praparierachere C<a&aux i dissection Tijeras de ds&eccitin ClJvIK] SAQQifttr n-vrfif Cl3Vtt CjjTVDtl Grtdpene taurM Cgtvq 16 OTtf&V/ C-_"vEd Gr*>ug™ autie Cum
Open the catalog to page 24SCISSORS Cl | vnjtmg5< Ciseau* d'expltiitafiort TI-a^-M'-SY-^'' TI-CiS^'C Cu*Yrtl Otbaginw DdufUA QiW
Open the catalog to page 2502 SCISSORS Oporalinfl Scissors Chirurgische Scheren C'suau* d’QJtpkxlaUon Tiaras de funoonamienLo
Open the catalog to page 26SCISSORS Operating and Dissecting Scissors Beaienen unu PrapanerschereD'flvpMtsUon el do dissection ClseaUtt OperauOn y Tijeras de dlsetciOn TI-TI- ■ ■■ ■ TI-tn&^-s ^ct-ig-TI-'iK^va Ctirm» GeOagerM (MH DuM TI-:^K'X£* .i-itf;' TI- : . ■ ■ ■ TI-^-'W-l; ■■■■■ zioti"*- TI-bV^'i SlracTfl gnti (Ml ■Bel*
Open the catalog to page 2702 SCISSORS Operating and Dissecting Scissors Bedienen und Pr&pariefsehere
Open the catalog to page 28SCISSORSDtesecllng Scissors Clseaux A dissectionPrSpariersch&fe HJeras de dis&caiirt WoUonbjiini TI--r iC:-’- -'V 14 emu's h"
Open the catalog to page 29SCISSORS Dissecting Sdssors Ciseaux a dissectionPrapanersthere Ti^fas de diseect6fl T ransact INTERNATIONAL M [Ucii bau m-F in s TI-MIsi-iJ. Itcnffi V?
Open the catalog to page 3002 IB cm"?’ 2a cnvfl" 23 onisr 25cmM(r 2B cnVIl' 30 anlMT SCISSORS Dissecting Scissors Cisesux a dissection PraparierscheTe Tijeras de diseccibn Tl-^^.i TI-^.Fr TI-52Ji.-ii-Tl-^^rV-.^ Tl-ifcJii'^r Tl-^"^-”. Tl-i.U^'Vi
Open the catalog to page 31All TRANSACT INTERNATIONAL catalogs and technical brochures
95 Pages
Orthopaedic Instruments Catalogue
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Surgical Instruments Catalogue
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Eye Instruments Catalogue
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