Catalog excerpts

CONTENTS Hemostatic Forceps Sponge Forceps Tissue Forceps Lymph Node Forceps Needle Holders Surgical Scissors Tissue Forceps Suction Tubes
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Hemostatic Forceps TI-45-107-34 Very Strong Curved TI-45-127-36 Very Strong Curved Hemostatic Forceps Debakey Forceps 36 cm 8.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Hemostatic Forceps TI-45-147-36 Very Strong Curved Hemostatic Forceps TI-45-167-30 Very Strong Curved Debakey Forceps Corrugated 36 cm 8.0 mm 03
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Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps Serrated 34 cm 5.5 mm 05 Sponge Forceps 34 cm 5.5 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps 36 cm 8.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps Corrugared 36 cm 8.0 mm 09 Sponge Forceps Corrugared 36 cm 8.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Sponge Forceps Sponge Forceps
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Tissue Forceps Tissue Forceps Babcock Forceps Atraumatic 34 cm 5.5 cm 13 Babcock Forceps Atraumatic 36 cm 8.0 cm www.tritoneinc.net
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Tissue Forceps Tissue Forceps Babcock Forceps Atraumatic - Corrugated 36 cm 8.0 mm 15 Babcock Forceps Atraumatic 30 cm www.tritoneinc.net
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Lymph Node Forceps Lymph Node Forceps Tumour Forceps 36 cm 6.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Lymph Node Forceps Lymph Node Forceps Tumour Forceps Corrugated 36 cm 6.0 mm 19
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Needle Holders Needle Holders Needle Holder TC 34 cm 8.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Needle Holders Surgical Scissors
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Surgical Scissors Surgical Scissors Scissors Corrugated 36 cm 8.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Medical Scissors Tissue Forceps Debakey Forceps 34 cm 5.5 mm www.tritoneinc.net
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Tissue Forceps Suction Tubes Suction Tube 36 cm 6.0 mm www.tritoneinc.net With 3 Tips (Rectangular, Broad and Round)
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Suction Tubes Suction Tubes With 3 Tips (Rectangular, Broad and Round) With 3 Tips (Rectangular, Broad and Round)
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Suction Tubes With 3 Tips (Rectangular, Broad and Round)
Open the catalog to page 19
Address: 1233 W Capitol Dr, Suite D Addison, IL 60101 USA, Email: info@tritoneinc.net
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