Catalog excerpts

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• Unsurpassed accuracy 1 with convenient, easy-to-read display • Fully automatic multifrequency measurements • Compact design with small footprint fits easily on a counter or treatment tray
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ESTABLISHING WORKING LENGTH Clinical research shows that establishing the correct working length is critical for success in root canal therapy. Using an apex locator in combination with radiographic measurements can significantly increase your success rate in the endodontic treatments you provide. WORKING LENGTH LIMIT “Underestimation of the WL [Working Length] can lead to insufficient debridement of the root canal, whereas overestimation can result in damage to the periapical tissues, which will delay or prevent healing. . . . Furthermore, radiographs provide a two-dimensional image of a...
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Endo-Eze® FIND™ is a battery-operated portable device designed for apex localization and working length determination during root canal treatments. Using a multifrequency-dependent impedance method and a series of proprietary algorithms, FIND accurately determines the position of the apical foramen. Utilizing the advantages of its well-proven, patented technology, Endo-Eze FIND offers the clinician unsurpassed accuracy, unrivaled reliability, and an extremely user-friendly interface. The custom color graphic display of the unit helps to achieve the optimal endodontic performance required...
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FILE 0.5mm SHORT OF FORAMEN Research has shown that instrumentation beyond the apical foramen is a widespread problem, occurring in over half (51%) of the premolars and nearly a quarter (22%) of the molars evaluated in a recent study.1 When a file perforates the apical foramen and enters the periapical tissues, pain and swelling can result, 1. ElAyouti A, Weiger R, Löst C. Frequency of overinstrumentation with an acceptable radiographic working length. J Endod. 2001;27(1):49-52. causing emergency appointments and additional costs for you and the patient. Endo-Eze FIND helps you avoid...
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The success of any root canal treatment depends on accuracy. The most widely used method for determining the apical limit is the radiograph, but, unfortunately, it’s not the most accurate. If the film isn’t positioned exactly, if the angle of the x-ray beam isn’t precise, if there are interferences from equipment or anatomical structures, the reliability of the radiograph suffers. Not to mention that the location of the apical foramen is not always the same as the radiographical apex to begin with. By sending an electronic signal all the way to the tip of the file, the FIND apex locator...
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Endo-Eze FIND Apex Locator Kit 1 x FIND unit 1 x Cradle 1 x Touch probe 1 x Measuring cable 2 x File clips 5 x Lip clips Touch Probe 2 x Touch probes Measuring Cable 1 x Measuring cable File Clips 2 x File clips
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APEX LOCATOR © 2014 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Improving Oral Health Globally
Open the catalog to page 8All Ultradent Products catalogs and technical brochures
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