UROMED Balloon Catheter Set »NEPHROquick®«


Catalog excerpts

UROMED Balloon Catheter Set »NEPHROquick®« - 1

UROMED BALLON- [ATHETER-SET »NEPHROquick®« I Ballon-Katheter aus reinem Silikon rontgenologisch darstellbar percutaneous kidney drainage I dilator and balloon catheter balloon catheter made of pure silicone overall radiopaque insertion guide Punktionskanule FasciaL-DiLatator Fascial-Dilatator Stich lange needle length fascial dilator ALLe Nephrostomie-BaLLon-Katheter-Sets Filling Medium for inflating the balloon is in- cluded in all nephrostomy balloon catheter sets. fascial dilator »NEPHR0quick<Sl« Catheter and obturator with catheter connection, »INTEGRAL« Ch. 10, Es lasst sich in nur wenigen Schritten applizieren, vereint aber dennoch alle Vorteile der bisher bekannten ■ sichere Fixierung und geringste The first nephrostomy set with a 10 Charriere balloon catheter. It can be applied with a few steps only, however, it combines all ad- vantages of the techniques known ■ safe fixation and lowest space requirement in the renal pelvis ■ high wearing comfort Go and find out yourself about Verpackung: doppelt, steril Packing: double, sterile Original carton: 5 pieces (REF 2608) © UROMED Kurt Drews KG. Die Angaben entsprechen unserem Kenntnisstand bei Erstellung. Produktanderungen vorbehalten. All indications correspond to our knowledge at the date of production. Subject to change without prior notice.

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