Catalog excerpts

colonic overtube “Overtubes…facilitate access in patients with challenging anatomy, increase the depth of insertion, and maintain access for repeated withdrawal and reinsertion.” Overtube use in gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Volume 70, No. 5: 2009
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More control during difficult colonoscopies... The Entrada® overtube in place prevents the reformation of the loop Endoscopic reduction of the sigmoid loop “N” loop formed in the sigmoid colon The Entrada® colonic overtube facilitates colonoscopy in patients with tortuous sigmoid looping. The Entrada® colonic overtube is designed to provide the following clinical support when addressing sigmoid looping: • • • The Entrada® colonic overtube features... • Prevents the reformation of sigmoid loops Allows for easier advancement of the scope Promotes one-to-one scope movement during advanced...
Open the catalog to page 2All US endoscopy catalogs and technical brochures
VIA® procedure kits
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New and Featured Products
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Hemostasis Solutions
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GI Procedure Products
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Bite Blocks
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Polypectomy Solutions
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
Histolock™ resection kit
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Take-Out transport pad
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BioShield irrigating adaptor
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iSnare ® system
2 Pages
EndoRings device
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Raptor ® grasping device
2 Pages
Guardus ® overtube
2 Pages
Exacto cold snare
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eTrap polyp trap
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InStream polyp trap
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Infinity cytology device
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Talon grasping device
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Raptor grasping device
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Mio medical device organizer
2 Pages
Keeper device clip
2 Pages
Boost head positioner
2 Pages
Reach overtube
2 Pages
AdvanCE delivery device
2 Pages
Articulator injection needle
2 Pages
Carr-Locke injection needle
2 Pages
Vari-Safe injection needle
4 Pages
Velocity irrigation system
2 Pages
Torrent irrigation tubing
2 Pages
BioVac direct suction device
2 Pages
8 Pages
Roth Net ® retriever
8 Pages
endoscope care and cleaning
12 Pages