

Catalog excerpts

Infinity® - 1

ERCP sampling device "Clinical study shows that the Infinity® ERCP sampling device yields a diagnostic *T. Barrioz, M. Wangermez, R Levillain, M. Beauchant. The Infinity® brush improves the results of brush cytology for malignant biliary strictures. Societe Nationale Francaise de Gastro-Enterlogie (SNFGE). listening... and delivering solutions"

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Infinity® - 2

Looking to collect quality samples during ERCP? The Infinity® ERCP sampling device is purpose built for collecting substantial and quality samples from strictures in the biliary duct. ^ The Infinity® device features... /far tiffer bristles to help identify brush location under flouroscopy capture abraded material bristles to help pack cells into the catheter compatible with long and short guidewires For more information on the Infinity® ERCP sampling device, U S /\ "^his product is manufactured in the U.S.A. © US Endoscopy or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Listening.. .and delivering...

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