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Polypectomy - 1

the stats, facts & tools The rise in colorectal cancer awareness has become widespread and it’s known as the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US. Often times, polyps are one of the first signs of cancer. As a result, polypectomies are performed. These procedures are conducted by gastroenterologists and/ or colorectal surgeons and are typically non-invasive. Below are the statistics, facts, and tools US Endoscopy offers to help assist during these procedures.1 worldwide risk factors Colonoscopy procedures are performed to detect abnormalities or growths, such as colorectal polyps. Over 1,600,000 new cancer cases in the United States were expected to be diagnosed in 2015. Over 132,000 of those cases will be colorectal cancer.1 In the US, every 3 minutes someone is diagnosed with colorectal cancer.1 That means in the time it takes to read this, someone will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Worldwide, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and second leading cause of death in both men and women.1 Risk factors can include: family history obesity inactivity long-term , , , smoking, and heavy alcohol in-take.1 Polyps can potentially be a precursor to cancer and should be removed for pathological review. It is also best to remove the polyp at discovery so that it does not develop into the late stages of cancer where surgery is required. A polypectomy (removal of polyp) during a colonoscopy is much less invasive than surgery. Polyps can form into various shapes and sizes... very flat Removal of polyps... The removal of polyps is commonly performed with a polypectomy snare. A polypectomy snare is a medical device that is used to cut the polyp from the tissue. US Endoscopy offers various types of snares to accomodate the types of polyps that can develop within a patient... Exacto® cold snare used for smaller polyps and offers a clean cut of the tissue Traxtion® snare a stiff snare with a hex shape for large flat polyps Lariat® snare used for various polyps of all shapes and sizes iSnare® system (hex & oval) Histolock resection device ® a dual-action device used to inject and cut polyps designed to resect very flat polyps Capturing the polyps... Once the polyp is removed, a retrieval net or polyp trap is utilized to collect the tissue sample. Retrieval nets are used to capture larger polyps while polyp traps are used when retrieving smaller polyps. Once retrieved, the polyp is then sent for testing to determine if there is a presence of cancerous cells. Roth Net® retriever mini polyp a smaller net for use in the smaller areas of the colon eTrap® polyp trap collects smaller polyps that can be suctioned through the scope and allows quick transfer for testing Roth Net® retriever polyp captures polyps and keeps tissue for histopathological review Suction Polyp Trap™ four chamber trap collects multiple polyps separately that can be suctioned through the scope and allows for quick transfer for testing Roth Net® retriever Platinum® polyp the wider pouch offers more net capacity for larger resected or multiple polyps QuickCatch™ polyp trap quickly connects to equipment for easy capture and fast retrieval American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2015. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2015. US Endoscopy is a subsidiary of STERIS Corporation. ©2015 US Endoscopy. All Rights Reserved. Listening…and delivering solutions®, the US Endoscopy listening…and delivering solutions design, and all marks denoted with ® or ™ are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, or trademarks owned by US Endos

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