Catalog excerpts

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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic THE EFC-2600 IS A TOP OF THE LINE FULLY AUTOMATED NON-MYDRIATIC RETINAL CAMERA WITH AN ADVANCED 3D TRACKING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF CAPTURING HIGH-DEFINITION RETINAL IMAGES IN ANY EYE CARE PRACTICE. The camera quickly delivers consistent colored ocular fundus images using multiple imaging modalities. The 45° field of view images help streamline screening of retinal abnormalities and early detection of diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration and other growing disease. As easy-to-handie equipment, any eye care center can use the EFC-2600 to...
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic RETINAL CAMERA Retinal disease affects both the center and periphery of the retina. By providing an enhanced view of the retina mosaic fundus imaging has revolutionized the diagnosis of retinal disease. With ten selectable fixation targets, the mosaic modality of the EFC-260 allows the operator to take highquality images of all points of interest on the retina. The fully automatic mosaicfunction combines several retinal fields without user intervention to stitch together a seamless panoramic picture of the chosen fixation targets. These digital...
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic RETINAL CAMERA High resolution 12-megapixel camera and digital RED-Free images augment ability to view retinal vasculature allowing for quick diagnosis and detailed documentation of retinal changes associated with disease progression. Has a complement to RED-Free that allows you to view the RED-Free image in different gray scales.—The features, quality imaging and analysis provided by the EFC-2600 advance our current eye care to a future of high-quality, affordable healthcare for everyone ASide by Side Comparison allows you to compare different...
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic RETINAL CAMERA 2 74 10 Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of permanent vision damage in adults. When left untreated, DR can lead to serious vision problems including vitreous hemorrhage, retina! detachment, glaucoma and ultimately blindness. This incapacitating disease affects ~30% of adults over 40 with diabetes and is even more prevalent in underrepresented racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups who do not have readily accessible screening. Although DR is so prevalent, patients may experience no symptoms atearly stages, making...
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic The EFC-2600 is much more than just a camera, it can generate dynamic reports. All electronic patient files and reports can be stored on the device and shared with specialists via cloud or email. It has output ports such as USB, which allows the exporting of patient images, and HDMI, which make it possible for images ofthe patient to be displayed on a larger screen. These networking capabilities allow the device to support telemedicine services to provide expert opinions on all obtained images. The telemedicine feature provides reliable...
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic implement artificial intelligence (A.I.) screening EFC-2600 can be integrated with any A.I. software. Recent advances in technology have trained A.I screen for vision threatening diseases with As modern practices produce an overwhelming volume of images, assisted screening of images by A.I. isthe future of efficient and objective ophthalmology. A.I. screening with the EFC-2600 streamlines diagnosis and maximizes efficiency at every practice
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EFC-2600 Ezer Retinal Camera | US Ophthalmic SPECIFICATIONS Type
Open the catalog to page 8All US Ophthalmic catalogs and technical brochures
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