Catalog excerpts

Overall Solution for mRNA Vaccine Production and Purif
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mRNA Vaccine The outbreak of COV旧- 19 has driven the rapid development of mRNA vaccine technology. Compared with traditional inactivated and attenuated vaccines, mRNA only exp陪sses specific antigens and induces di『ectional immune 陪sponses, which has a high effective protection rate. Due to the advantages of effi臼町, safety and fast production, mRNA vaccine has become a in the field of medi臼I scien饵 and technology innovation. During the production of mRNA vaccine, la『ge-s臼le purifi田tion of plasmid DNA and mRNA vaccine is a key facto『 a仔ecting the effi回cy of mRNA vaccine. mRNA Vaccine...
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mRNA Purification Purifi臼t川 mRNA Vaccine Lipid coating Sterile Filtration Concentration and solution change Product List of mRNA Purification Media I Purification media for plasmid Focurose 6FF De· 阳rmination of biologi臼I macromol配ular weight such as protein and polysaccharide; Plasmid DNA, virus, vaccine purifi田tion Affinity media for plasmid 同时uct Name 囚:ll(H' Multi-mode chromatography media Product Name Withstand stress Product Name
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SeP,aration ar:id pu 时自由tion of various croteins. suitable for the pu而回tion of substan出S containing aromatic groups, and fu此her purification after desalting. Ordering Information for Plasmid Purification Media Product Name Phenyl Focurose FF(LS)
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Ordering Information for Preloaded Columns with Plasmid Purification Media Product Name HT Focurose 6FF HT Plasmid Focurose HPR Product Name Chromatog阳phy Media HT Phenyl Focurose FF (LS) HT Phenyl Focurose FF (HS) Product List of mRNA Purification Media Separation and pu『ification of mRNA Ordering Information for mRNA Purification Media Prod叫 Name Ordering information of magnetic microsphe「·es for mRNA purification (pilot stage) Brownish yellow
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Inspiring & Enabling Life Science Innovation Email: vdo@vdobiotech.com Add: Building C18 Biobay, 218 Xinghu Street,
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