Catalog excerpts

Materials & metallurgical inspection microscope for inspection & analysis of a wide range of materials § Range of illumination techniques permit a variety of analysis methods § Modular design, with a wide range of accessories § Bright and dark field plan achromatic objectives up to 100x § Total magnification up to 1000x, with supplied eyepieces certificated for the quality management system ISO 9001:2008.
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Materials & metallurgical inspection microscope Whether you want to inspect alloys, plastics, ceramics, or other materials, the TIM5 routine inspection microscope allows both beginners and advanced users to achieve detailed analysis of a wide range of material subjects. With excellent optical performance and a range of illumination options including brightfield, darkfield and polarised light, TIM5 makes it easy to observe, inspect and analyse a wide range of materials. Digital image capture C-mount adaptor with a range of digital § Effortless observation of a wide range of materials image...
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TIM5 Shown with digital image capture and brightfield / darkfield objectives. Microscope body Standard accessories ... Optical system Infinity corrected optical system Viewing head 30° inclined Siedentopf trinocular viewing head, 360° rotatable TIM5 comes with a number of accessories as standard including: Coaxial bilateral coarse and fine adjustment with adjustable limit stop § Filters (incident light): blue; green; yellow Sensitivity and graduation of fine focus: 0.001mm § Neutral density filters: ND25, ND6 Torque adjustment for coarse focus control § Polarising kit: Rotatable analyser...
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certificated for the quality management system ISO 9001:2008. Nippon Vision Engineering (Japan) 272-2 Saedo-cho, Tsuduki-ku, Yokohama-shi, 224-0054, Japan Tel: +81 (0) 45 935 1117 Email: info@visioneng.jp Vision Engineering Ltd. (France) ZAC de la Tremblaie, Av. de la Tremblaie 91220 Le Plessis Paté, France Tel: +33 (0) 160 76 60 00 Email: info@visioneng.fr (Manufacturing & Commercial) 570 Danbury Road, New Milford, CT 06776 USA Email: info@visioneng.com Vision Engineering Ltd. (Italia) Via Cesare Cantù, 9 20092 Cinisello Balsamo MI, Italia Tel: +39 02 6129 3518 Email: info@visioneng.it...
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