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VX1 - 1

VOLTA MEDICAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE FOR CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Designed to facilitate AF & AT mapping during ablation procedures1. VXi provides an AI enhanced detection of spatio-temporal dispersion areas, indicative of drivers of the arrhythmia1,2,3. 1 Dispersion Indicator 2 Mapping Catheter Schematic 3 Mapping Cycle Length 4 Reference Cycle Length 5 Volta Dispersion Tags Compatibility with most mapping catheters EP recording and 3D navigation systems TRANFORMING EP DATA INTO AI SOLUTIONS

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VX1 - 2

AI DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Dispersion areas tagging Dispersed areas indicated on VX1 Machine/ Deep learning algorithms RAPID ANALYSIS WHAT VX1 BRINGS Real time analysis algorithm1. DATA DRIVEN Implements machine learning algorithms including deep learning1. EXPERT PHYSICIAN DATABASE Algorithms trained on a very large database of EGMs, annotated by expert electrophysiologists1. Allows for a fast learning curve2,4 and standardized outcomes across operators2.

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VX1 - 3

VX1 CLINICAL EVIDENCE Ev-AIFib2 Ev-AIFib2 is a prospective, multicentric, non-randomized study conducted to determine the feasibility and relevance of constructing VX1 dispersion maps for the ablation of persistent AF and that the use of VX1 allows for a robust center-to-center standardization of ablation outcomes. 12-Month Follow-up persistent & long-standing persistent AF patients sites (1 primary center and 7 satellite centers) operators using the 3 major mapping systems. Acute termination After single procedure Freedom from AF/AT* After one or multiple procedures (average of 1.3...

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VX1 - 4

Volta Medical is a data inspired, AI solutions EP company whose mission is to aid in the diagnosis of complex heart rhythm disease VX1TM SYSTEM USER MANUAL, I001-1.4-EU, February 2023. 2 SEITZ, Julien, MOHR DURDEZ, Théophile, ALBENQUE, Jean‐Paul, et al. Artificial Intelligence Software Standardizes Electrogram‐based Ablation Outcome for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 2022. https:/ /doi.org/10.1111/jce.15657 3 SEITZ, Julien, BARS, Clément, THÉODORE, Guillaume, et al. AF ablation guided by spatiotemporal electrogram dispersion without pulmonary...

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