Catalog excerpts

Personalized PDF Catalog Catalogue Generated 25 February 202
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Membrane dry vacuum pumps/compressors, VCP 80 and VCP 130 Supplier: VWR Collection VCP 80 and VCP 130 can be used as vacuum and pressure pumps, and set a standard for efficient vacuum use. Use these pumps as an affordable vacuuming application where corrosion resistance is not required. These pumps can be used for vacuum filtration of aqueous solutions, or aqueous fumes including buffers, but are not recommended for pumping acidic, basic or organic fumes. These VWR Collection vacuum/pressure pumps are designed for continuous unattended operation, and have two dial gauges with manual...
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Accessories VWR Catalog Number
Open the catalog to page 3All VWR catalogs and technical brochures
PCR solutions from Avantor
60 Pages
82 Pages
Archived catalogs
Mini Gel II
3 Pages
VWR® for Centrifugation
40 Pages
20 Pages
36 Pages
Verti 1010
4 Pages
2 Pages
vwr ® wAter bAths
4 Pages
VWR Shakers
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All You Need for Cell Culture
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The VWR Hitachi Chromaster
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VWR ® MicRoStaR
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VWR ®Thermal Shakers
4 Pages
VWR balances
28 Pages