ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite
1 / 8Pages

Catalog excerpts

ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 1

Automated Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests Se ntr yS uite ® sof t wa re with Ar ti Q.PF T

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 2

Interpretation of PFT today is … Time Consuming – Pulmonologist spend up to hours per week protocolling and report writing for PFTs Expert Dependent – Comprehensive report writing requires expert knowledge in lung function. Highly Variable – Variation exists even between expert interpretations of PFTs in the iagnostic d additional tests, (initial) process. Not Specific for Diagnosis – PFT results often don’t provide experts with enough information misdiagnosis and increased costs. to prioritize diagnostic options optimally. ArtiQ.PFT The ArtiQ.PFT software automates the interpretation of...

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 3

Proven Impact of ArtiQ.PFT time spent The algorithms of ArtiQ.PFT have been validated in a European ulti-center m study published in the European Respiratory Journal. The study investigated if artificial intelligence is accurate enough to provide a second opinion that is helpful for pulmonologists Therefore, 120 pulmonologists from 16 European hospitals evaluated 50 cases based on pulmonary function test results and some basic clinical information, resulting in 6000 independent interpretations. The AI software examined the same data. When asked for the most probable diagnosis, the AI...

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 4

How does ArtiQ.PFT work? Based on PFT data (spirometry, airways resistance, lung volumes and diffusion capacity) and patient characteristics (age, pack-years, sex, height …), an automated report is generated in less than 1 second. EACH REPORT CONTAINS THREE KEY COMPONENTS : 3. Recommended further steps: Automated interpretation of the lung function The core intelligence of the software uses Recommendations for the appropriate next according to international guidelines. artificial intelligence (AI) to calculate steps that can be taken with the patient It describes the patterns of...

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 5

ArtiQ.PFT within SentrySuite Review ArtiQ.PFT is truly integrated in SentrySuite Review and Mobile Review, offering different ways to support your PFT review. Making your workflow more streamlined, so not one extra click is required. The ArtiQ.PFT report is automatically and instantaneously placed exactly where you want it. • Select in “Review” mode ArtiQ.PFT interpretation and optional integrate text into SentrySuite Report. Further interpret the report when needed and send to the Hospital Information System (HIS). • Create ArtiQ.PFT interpretation report directly from “Visit View” and...

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 6

Patient information Disease Probabilities • Artificial Intelligence based • Provides probabilities for 8 diseases based on the multi-center validation study Protocol Interpretation of PFT according to the international guidelines • Pellegrino 2005, and • Reversibility testing • Airways resistance • Air trapping • Hyperinflation • Signs of small airways disease Conclusions & suggestions • Highest disease probability called out • Recommendations for next steps based on highest probability disease and common clinical practice • Warnings

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 7

Physicians and technicians comments

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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite - 8

REFERENCE Topalovic et al. Ar tificial intelligenceoutper formspulmonologists in the interpretation of pulmonar y function tests. European Respirator y Journal. 2019 G LO B A L H E A D Q UA RT E RS Vyaire Medical, Inc. 26125 North Riverwoods Blvd Mettawa, IL 60045 USA SENTRYSUITE SOFTWARE Vyaire Germany GmbH Leibnizstraße 7 97204 Hoechberg Germany AUSTRALIAN SPONSOR Vyaire Medical Pty Ltd Suite 5.03, Building C 11 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia v ya m Fo r E U, Switze rl a n d a n d U n ite d K i n g d o m d is t ri b u t io n o n l y. © 2021 Vya i re M e d ica l, I...

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