Catalog excerpts

Body Plethysmography - Designed to be different
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Vyntus BODY key features TM Stable hand grip. Equally spread magnets for a tight closure of the door. Optional integrated aerosol provocation system. Ultrasonic sensor for high accuracy. Optional height adjustable cart. Spacious cabin with 1110 L. Low entry step of only 7 cm.
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Flexibility that makes Vyntus BODY different TM The flexible 3D arm of the VyntusTM BODY: • Can be extended outside of the cabin up to an impressive reach of 63 cm. • Patients in a wheelchair can be measured easily and comfortably outside the cabin. • Is adjustable in height and position and perfectly adapts to your patients‘ n
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Performing excellence in pulmonary function testing Measurement testing capabilities (Specific) Airway Resistance sReff, sRtot, sR0.5, sRmid as well as Reff, Rtot, R0.5, Rmid and others Static Lung Volumes Absolute lung volumes: TLC, FRCpleth, RV, RV/TLC and others Static Lung Volumes: VC MAX, IC, ERV and others Dynamic Lung Volumes All-in-one cabin options Realtime with determination of DLCO, KCO, VA, TLC, FRC, RV and others. Intra-breath without breathhold and trapped gas evaluation Maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure Single occlusion resistance...
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Every facet of the Vyntus BODY´s breathing circuit helps achieve significant improvements in patient’s comfort and accuracy TM Ultrasonic sensor Double Shot Technology measures twice the number of signals across the flow path providing enhanced data resolution and precision. Dynamic Flow Correction: already during the flow measurement we are measuring the gas temperature of each breath. With this information, an online BTPS correction is carried out leading to a higher accuracy and minimizing any drifts. Polytubes on both sides of the ultrasonic sensor for flow conditioning making the air...
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Mitigate cross-contamination! The MicroGardTM II filter: • Reprocessing cycle for downstreamed parts can be reduced to twice a year using the MicroGardTM filter 1 . • Protects your patients, staff, environment and instruments from viral and bacterial contamination 1 . • Follows the highest safety standards according to Nelson Laboratories2 . • Has an exceptionally low resistance to air flow. • Measurement results are not influenced. • Is the only validated filter for the Vyntu
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Efficient and optimized post-test decision making - visual diagnostic using the Resistance-Volume-Chart The Resistance-Volume-Chart combines airways resistance and lung volume results in a single breath with no changes in the testing procedure: Easily analyze the shape of the entire breathing cycle Quick recognition of pre-post benefit of the therapy Predicted area for quick orientation Smart diagnostics – Help improve clinical outcomes while saving valuable time The VyntusTM BODY is controlled by the powerful and user-friendly SentrySuiteTM software package. In less than two minutes, any...
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ATS/ERS guideline implementation - Your base for high quality results ERS/ATS 2019 spirometry guidelines 3 ERS/ATS 2017 diffusion guidelines 4 Based on the Bio Burden DIN EN ISO 1 1 7 3 7-1: Repor t 1 8A A01 93. A. Sandall, “Virus Filtration Efficienc y Test (VFE) at an Increased Challenge Level GLP Report”, Nelson Laboratories, UT, Salt Lake City, Laboratory Number 530460, May 2010 Graham B, Steenbruggen I, Miller M, et al. Standardization of spirometry 2019 update. An official american thoracic society and european respiratory society technical statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019;...
Open the catalog to page 8All Vyaire Medical catalogs and technical brochures
8 Pages
Vyntus™ WALK
5 Pages
Vyntus™ CPX
16 Pages
Vyntus™ SPIRO
5 Pages
SentrySuite Software
9 Pages
Vyntus™ ONE
16 Pages
ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Vyntus Questionnaire
2 Pages
Fenom Pro
3 Pages