Catalog excerpts

Vyntus® PNEUMO I Vyntus® IOS I Vyntus® APS M od ular h ig h-e n d PC-Spiro m ete r fo r spiro m etr y, im p ulse osc illo m etr y an d b ro n ch ia l ch a lle n g e
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The modular JAEGER® Vyntus PNEUMO spirometer and the Vyntus IOS impulse oscillometry system go hand in hand with the Vyntus APS for bronchial challenge testing, in one compact device. The Vyntus Family offers many further measurement capabilities to extend your diagnostic testing. And all this powered by the SentrySuite® software platform for intelligent respiratory diagnostics.
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Vyntus PNEUMO/IOS – The heart of the system, the JAEGER flow and volume transducer Thousands of PFT labs depend every day on Vyaire’s proven, accurate, reliable heated JAEGER pneumotach. For hundreds of publications the JAEGER pneumotach was the device of choice. Its excellent dynamic range effectively tests a broad population from small children to adults. The pneumotach has been designed to work with the validated MicroGard® II bacterial/viral filter and is easy to disassemble. User’s demand hygiene that is simple and cost-effective. When using MicroGard filter, our pneumotach and all...
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Spirometry Guidance & Quality Coaching for operator and patient for best results Color-coded guidance breathing maneuvers patient´s cooperation and shows you the best curve A green check mark indicates successful end of test according ATS/ERS Online breathing curves for controlled real-time patient guidance Online textual guidance helps coach clinician through each maneuver Animation incentives Choose from 10 user-definable animation programs to assist the operator and coach patients of all ages.
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SentrySuite software acts as your powerful assistant that will help guide and coach you from calibration to test completion and report generation. Clear graphs enlargeable to full screen view with just one mouse click Interpretation Templates Create your own templates with macros or select from a choice of several automatic interpretation algorithms All test results in one adjustable table including predicted, LLN, author, Z-score, best values, values of all trials, pre-post comparison and more Color-coded repeatability graph enables direct visual feedback on test quality
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Vyntus IOS - the result of 25 years experience in Impulse Oscillometry Tidal breathing analysis with Impulse Oscillometry (IOS) has proven to be an informative and meaningful tool used in the early detection and follow up of pulmonary diseases like asthma, COPD and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. IOS is almost independent of patient cooperation and can test a larger patient range than spirometry alone, from children, adult and geriatric patients. Heated JAEGER pneumotach also used for your spirometry measurements When using MicroGard, our pneumotach and all down-streamed parts only needs to...
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More than 4600 IOS users – countless studies published How does it work? The oscillations of the multifrequency measurement signal penetrate the respiration tract The experts found that… at varying depths. Whereas • Impulse oscillometry and plethysmography should be considered the preferred techniques for measuring bronchodilation in COPD Clinical Trials 1 (shunted) in the large airways, • Several forced oscillation measures are more accurate and sensitive for detecting bronchodilator 5 Hz oscillations penetrate the entire lung. Thus, the respiratory response than FEV(1) in patients with...
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Vyntus APS – for accurate and safe bronchial challenge testing Expiratory filter effectively protects for aerosol contamination Vyntus APS is an Aerosol Provocation System. Up-to-date and sophisticated electronics and mechanics allow for optimal use of its nebulization technology with precise dosing. For the observation measurements Vyntus APS combines with the Vyntus PNEUMO and/ or the Vyntus IOS in one system. Combine your Vyntus APS with Vyntus PNEUMO or Vyntus IOS Low noise compressor and interface for Vyntus APS/ PNEUMO/IOS APS head with easily removable connection block for cleaning...
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Highest level of patient safety with SentrySuite software The built-in intelligence of the observation module ensures patient safety while achieving accurate provocation thresholds. After the initial baseline measurement to exclude a contra-indication, the software monitors the patient’s response to each provocation step. It either automatically progresses to the next provocation step or flags that the pre-set provocation level has been achieved. Stay in control during nebulization On-the-fly clear overview after each observation measurement with real-time visualization of dose...
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Technical Specifications Vyntus PNEUMO Compressor Flow Pressure Nebulizer Name Type Mean mass diameter Output power Test signal Type Pulse interval Impulse length Frequency range of single impulse Maximal impulse pressure Power spectrum System verification Reference impedance Flow-Volume/pressure measurements Flow Type Range Accuracy Resolution Resistance CMRR Volume Type Range Accuracy Resolution Mouth pressure Type Vyntus PNEUMO Range Resolution CMRR Mouth pressure Type Accuracy Resolution Volume: Accuracy: Pneumotach 0 to ± 20 L/s 0 to 18 L/s: ± 2 % 18 to 20 L/s: ± 5 % 1 gL/s < 0.05...
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Power supply PC or notebook Main voltage Power input Vyntus PNEUMO/IOS/APS Type Mains input voltage Power consumption Output voltage Output Electrical safety Moisture protection Complete system Classification of applied parts Vyntus PNEUMO Applied part Vyntus IOS Applied part Vyntus APS Applied part Complete system Operating mode Complete system 100 to 240 V AC; 50 to 60 Hz, max 1.5 A max. 1.5 A (depending on PC/notebook) Magic Power MPM-X125 100 - 240 V, AC 47 - 63 Hz 1.5 - 1 A 24 V DC 120 VA/5 A Protection class I IP 20 Type B Type B Type B Active class Ila medical product Continuous...
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REFERENCES * based on the Bio Burden DIN EN ISO 11737-1: Repor t 18A A0088 1 L Borrill, C M Houghton, A A Woodcock, J Vestbo, and D Singh Medicines Evaluation Unit, Z Nor th-west Lung Centre, Wy thenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 April; 59(4): 379–384. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125. 2004.02261.x. 2 Yaegashi M, Yalamanchili V, Kaza V, Weedon J, Heurich A , Akerman M. Respir Med. 2007 May;101(5):995-1000. 3 Mansur AH, Manney S, Ayres JG. Resp Med. 2007 Sep 25. Respirator y Medicine, Birmingham Hear tlands Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK. 5 Skloot G,...
Open the catalog to page 12All Vyaire Medical catalogs and technical brochures
8 Pages
Vyntus™ WALK
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Vyntus™ CPX
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Vyntus™ BODY
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Vyntus™ SPIRO
5 Pages
SentrySuite Software
9 Pages
Vyntus™ ONE
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ArtiQ.PFT SentrySuite
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Vyntus Questionnaire
2 Pages
Fenom Pro
3 Pages