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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7
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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 2

5.5 Series Advantage Ability to accept Φ5.5mm rods. Flexible move in 360° direc�on. Corrugated spherical head, provide be�er angular stability. Mul�-type extended tap design. Double-lead thread pa�ern for faster inser�on and increased pullout strength. Serrated saddle locking block, prevent the loosening

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 3

Transosseous tension band disrup�on/Chance fracture Minor nonstructural fractures Posterior tension band disrup�on Incomplete burst Complete burst Surgical technique 1、Pa�ent posi�on / Loca�ng and Mark Prone posi�on Intersec�on of pedicle outer edge and transverse process mid

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 4

Puncture device Step-by-step sleeve Size: φ5.8、φ9、φ12、φ15.2、 φ18.5、φ21.8. Material:PPSU(Polyphenylene sulfone resins) Expand the skin by inser�ng the

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 5

Hard probe Tap a�er piercing bone with the awl along the guide pin Ratchet handle ×2 Choose whether to complete tapping and screw imbedding in the sleeve according to the surgeon's habit. Insert the step-by-step sleeve along the guide pin Insert mini invasive

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 6

5、Assemble the screw and extension sleeve Arrow indicates the groove direc�on. Align the screw tail with the top of the extension sleeve. A "click" sound indicates successful inser�on. 6、Install the screw inserter and implant screws Put the screw inserter head into the hexalobular socket of the screw along the extension sleeve, �ghten the screw. Implant the screw along the guide wire with ratchet handle

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 7

Crossed gauge Parallel gauge A�er inser�ng the gauge into the extension guide, the indicator reading is the required fixing rod length. The screw provides a large swing angle. The slot locks the rod to ensure that the rod is bent in the same plane. Rod bender level 4 curvature Implant inserter

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 8

10、Rod fixa�on 1、Adjust the extension sleeves and make their front grooves at ver�cal arrangement. 2、Put the rod into the screw tail, turn the handle, move the �p of the rod slowly along the bone surface, gradually rotate the s�ck to a horizontal posi�on. Arrows point outward 11、Pre-locking 1. Twist the setscrew into the screw tail one by one with self-holding screwdriver(T27), then pre-lock it with the screwdriver (T27). 2. Unlock the implant inserter and take out.

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 9

12、Compression and distrac�on-1 Curved screw connector ×2 1、The curved screw connector is applied to the curved rod used in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. There's a bu�on at the end to adjust the distance of the extension sleeve. 2、Select one side as the fixed side, loosen the setscrew with the screwdriver reversing a half turn on the other side. compression forcep 13、Compression and distrac�on-2 1、The parallel screw connector is applied to the straight rod used in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Slide in the connector, �ghten the connector nut with the wrench if needed. Distrac�ng forcep...

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 10

1、The crossed connec�ng device is applied to the lumbosacral with larger arc. Up to 3 centrums can be connected. Compression and distrac�on-3 1、Loosen part of the setscrew with the pre-locking screwdriver reversing a half turn. Put the guide block in the extension sleeve end, connect its side protrusion with the round hole of another matching guide block. Crossed connec�ng device (short) Crossed connec�ng device (long) Compression screwd

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 11

15、Final �ghtening / Torque span Quick coupling handle (T) Counter spanner Screwdriver, final locking T27 ×2 16、Take out the sleeve and remove the screw Screwdriver, con�nuous self-break T27×2 1、Insert the unlocker into the sleeve, confirm the direc�on and depth, hold �ghtly, the extension sleeve will be distracted and separated. Take the extension sleeve out by li�ing the unlocker up. Screw extractor T25 Unlocker ×2 Screwdriver, revision T27 54 1、Put the counter spanner in the extension sleeve, screw all the nuts one by one. 2、If using the con�nuous self-break screwdriver,the setscrews will...

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 12

Product Code Product Code Poly-axial Screw (

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 13

Fixing Rod IV (Titanium) Length(mm) Product Code Break-off Setscrew (Titanium) Product Code

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 14

1502999903 H7 Spinal System Instrument Set Product Code Instrument Name Guide wire extractor Minimally invasive guide Adjus�ng screwdriver Hard probe Guide wire Compression screwdriver Screw inserter Refurbishment screwdriver Final screwdriver Single end plug screwdriver

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 15

1502999903 H7 Spinal System Instrument Set Product Code Instrument Name Counter spanner Mul�layer sleeve Mul�layer sleeve Mul�layer sleeve Mul�layer sleeve Mul�layer sleeve Mul�layer sleeve Crossed connec�ng device Parallel connec�ng device Pre-locking screwdriver Curved connec�ng device Parallel gauge Crossed gauge Crossed connec�ng device

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 16

1502999903 H7 Spinal System Instrument Set Product Code Instrument Name Minimally invasive rod inser�on device Con�nuous self breaking screwdriver Quick coupling handel (T-shape) Distrac�ng forcep (Long) Distrac�ng forcep Mini ratchet handel Compression forcep Instrument case

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 17

5.5 Series Advantage Op�mized fracture design, won’t irritate the so� �ssue. Flexible angle can be adjusted for intraopera�ve adjustment. Increased ball head’s diameter & surface texture improve the fric�on. Double-line variable pitch, enhance the resistance. Taper thread makes screw stronger and avoid break. Nega�ve angle design structure, accuracy is higher, sliding teeth r

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 18

Short Poly-axial Screw III (Titanium) Length(mm) Product Code Short Mono-axial Screw III (

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 19

Long Poly-axial Screw VII (Titanium) Length(mm) Product Code Long Mono-axial Screw VII (

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 20

Transverse Connector IV (Titanium) Product Code Product Code Fixing Rod IV (Titanium) Product Code

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 21

1502799901 M9-IA Spinal System Instrument Set Product Code Instrument Name Double head straight holt probe Torque handle Plug screwdriver Screwdriver for M9 mul�-axial screws Screwdriver for M9 mul�-axial screws Screwdriver for M9 mono-axial screws Screwdriver for M9 mono-axial screws Ratchet handle

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Thoracic-lumbar vertebra pedicle screw H7 - 22

1502799901 M9-IA Spinal System Instrument Set Product Code Instrument Name Reduc�on screw breaker Torque wrench Transverse connec�on forceps Square Head Screwdriver for self-break screws Plug take out screwdriver Sagi�al in situ rod bender Sagi�al in situ rod bender Counter guide spanner

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