V|tome|x M Metrology 2.0
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Catalog excerpts

V|tome|x M Metrology 2.0 - 1

Waygate Technologies a Baker Hughes business « Rubylplate Patented calibration phantom design with ruby spheres on a ceramic plate for fast and reliable VDI 2630-1.3 verification and voxel-size calibration eae Patented Ruby|plate phantom « True|position Laser-based compensation method for residual mechanical uncertainties of the sytem manipulator expands the measurement positions with specified accuracy « Voxellcalib Automatic calibration for exact measurement of Focal-Object-Distance (FoD) and Focal-Detector-Distance (FDD) « Easylcalib Automated tool for fast system calibration to ensure VDI 2630 specification at any position within the CT system « Temperature sensor to compensate thermal dri

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V|tome|x M Metrology 2.0 - 2

Innovative Ruby|plate technology » New calibration phantom for VDI 2630 verification and voxel-size calibration » Patented design: ruby spheres with different diameters on ceramic plate, covering a wide scan envelope - full VDI 2630-1.3 compliance covering 3 directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) with one scan - 3x faster verification compared to metrology 1.0 technology + Maximum probing length of 130 mm » Accurate calibration uncertainty of the phantom: <1 um 001 metrologyledition 1.0 with Balllbar technology Metrologyledition 2.0 with Rubylplate technology « 6 measurements per scan,...

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