Win 10 Upgrade
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Win 10 Upgrade - 1

Phoenix Performance Line (X|aminer, Microme|x & Nanome|x) Waygate Technologies, a Baker Hughes business, is offering a Windows 10 upgrade for the acquisition PCs for the Inspection Technologies / Phoenix systems X|aminer, Microme|x and Nanome|x. The upgrade package consists of: Your Benefits: • Complete system operability on Windows 10: New Acquisition (ACQ) / System PC New and enhanced x|act software package New Matrox Imaging Library (MIL 10) WindowsTM 10 64 bit operating system Proprietary Software - Phoenix X|act • Industrial Design • Ease of use • Intuitive programming • Meeting design language • Matching new HW ID Standardization of operating system across infrastructure foot print (ACQ PC + REC PC). • New 2D imaging software features: The upgrade to the current X|act 10.1.2 imaging software package includes additional features i.e. new and easier user interface and enhanced wire sweep module. Technical Description This Windows 10 upgrade comes with a new ACQ / System (industrial) PC. The operating system is Windows 10 (64 bit based). This ACQ PC also contains proprietary Phoenix|x-ray software packages which i.e. enable control over system components. The system’s 2D-imaging software package is modified to enable Windows 10 compatibility. Therefore, you will find the new and revised Phoenix X|act version 10.1.2, which comes with the MIL 10 dongle, installed on the new ACQ PC. (Note: Windows 7 support by Microsoft has reached its end of life). In addition, fundamental to advanced operator training can be offered by an experienced application engineer to refresh or broaden the existing knowledge base. Likewise, X|act 10.1.2 implementation support is offered i.e. to transfer existing macros. Please be aware that these application trainings are on a surcharge base and not included in the upgrade package. Contact: Waygate Technologies Phoenix Niels-Bohr-Str. 7 31515 Wunstorf / Germany Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is company confidential and proprietary property of Baker Hughes and its affiliates. It is to be used only for the benefit of Baker Hughes and may not be distributed, transmitted, reproduced, altered, or used for any purpose without the express written consent of Baker Hughes. Baker Hughes reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your Baker Hughes representative for the most current information. The Baker Hughes logo is a trademark of Baker Hughes Company LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respect

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