Catalog excerpts

INTERACTION. EXPERIENCE, for Medical Environment. cscwcvExamination lightUGTIUDC VAMADA SHAD OWLETS LAMP CO, LTD. http://www.skylux.co.jp HEAD OFFICE Address: 2-3-16, Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0065 Japan SAITAMA FACTORY Address: 1526-1 Osone, Yashio-city, Saitama 340-0834 Japan Country of Origin: Japan Marketing authorization number in Japan:11B2X10036 Item number in Japan:11B2X10036000003 / Generic name in Japan: Examination light / Classification in Japan: Class I Providing an Optimal Light Environment to Every Medical Practice Second edition, 2017.01.300
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Providing an Optimal Light Environment to Every Medical Practice HXM INTERACTION. EXPERIENCE, for Medical Environment. Ill O CO 6 6 < m I. s’ 01 o (5' zr O O CD fl> Yamada Shadowless Lamp found one light. “Medical LEDs.” This light is close to natural light. “An accurate but gentle light.” A doctor’s eyes are just as important to them as their hands. They are always looking at the patient’s ever-changing condition. In the operation room, their eyes are continually strained under operation lights, brighter than sunlight. We don’t want doctors to just accept that harsh environment and daily...
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Bringing gentle and reliable illumination to your examination. This examination light combines a design made to put the patient at ease with “Medical LEDs” that ensure both accurate color visibility and distinguishability. Three types are available: the mobile stand type, the ceiling-mounted type, and the wall-mounted type. Choose the size, design and brightness that you need. page
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This examination LED light has a natural and soft design The sterile handle for the 03 Series is detachable and replaceable. that easily fits into your environment and puts patients at ease. ( 3 ) Smooth height adjustments ( 4 ) Battery-equipped for peace of mind even during disasters You can easily move the stand pole up or down. (Optional auxiliary battery) Not only that, the spring arm can also be moved freely, Despite its compact and sleek design, the cordless, portable battery- allowing you to adjust it to the optimal position based on equipped type (optional) has a long battery life....
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We achieve a light environment light. “Medical LEDs” reduce the blue light risk and achieve a spectrum that does not strain the eyes. optimal for medical practices. 300 400 500 600 700 800 300 400 500 600 700 800 Violet Blue Green Yell Oran Red Violet Blue Green Yell Oran Red ow ge ow ge Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Radiant spectrum of ordinary white LEDs Luminescence Intensity (arb. units) abnormally bright light experience tired eyes due to blue Luminescence Intensity (arb. units) Doctors who continue to look at an operation site under an Luminescence Intensity (arb. units) reduced...
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External drawing Item / Model *1: The described values are typical values, and are not guaranteed. *Product design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice due to product improvements, etc. O GO 6 CS01 Mobile stand type with battery Item / Model *Product design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice due to product improvements, etc. Center handle Ceiling cover Mounting disk
Open the catalog to page 6All Yamada Shadowless Lamp Co Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
CR Operation light
8 Pages
CJ Operation light
10 Pages