Catalog excerpts

In Re-treatment of root canal, old Gutta Percha must be removed. After using ultrasonic, old Gutta Percha can be soften and then it can be removed by GP Remover Spear. Tips' shape is tiny and have 360dergees of edges,so easy to achieve the target point. It can be used as finalizing remover after using rotary files. Shall be less power than holding ball-pen.
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Too much power cause tips bended. Do not move back bended tips to original shape, which cause breakage of tips. Micro scope is recommended to be used with. 44F* Highly recommended for delicate treatment. ♦Because of YDM’ s commitment to constant product improvement, YDM reserves the right to change prices and design or discontinue products without a notice YDM CORPORATION 6-5-20 Tabata, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0014, JAPAN TEL:+81-3-3828-3161 FAX:+81-3-3827-8991 e-mail :ydm@ydm.co.jp http ://www.ydm. co. j p/en-new/index. html
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