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Yeasen Product Brochure Life Science Research/NGS Library Preparation / Molecular Diagnostics / Pharma & Biopharma
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COMPANY OVERVIEW Since its establishment, Yeasen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the innovative development and industrialized manufacturing of enzymes, antigens and antibodies. Based on several R&D centers and two commercial-scale manufactories in Shanghai and Wuhan, we are committed to producing molecular biology enzymes and reagents, provid- ing high-quality customized solutions to customers in the fields of basic biological research, diagnostic tests, biopharmaceuticals and vaccines. Relying on reliable warehousing logistics and fast manufacturing distribution, Yeasen...
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Reagents for Life Science Research 1.1 Molecular Biology 1.2 Protein Research 1.3 Cell Culture & Analysis 1.4 Animal Model 1.5 Others Reagents for NGS Library Preparation Reagents for Molecular Diagnostics
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Reagents for Life Science Research 1.1 Molecular Biology PCR & qPCR Reverse Transcription DNA&RNA Electrophoresis
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Selection Guide Product Line Product Name PCR & qPCR PCR & qPCR PCR & qPCR 2×Hieff™ Ultra-Rapid HotStart PCR Master Mix (with Dye) 2×Hieff ™ Canace™ Plus PCR Master Mix (With Dye) miRNA Universal qPCR SYBR Master Mix by tailing A) ( Hifair™ Ⅱ1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (gDNA Digest plus) qPCR TaqMan Probe Master Mix Reverse Transcription Reverse Transcription Universal Blue qPCR Master Mix Hifair™ Ⅲ 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (gDNA Digester Plus) Hieff CloneTM Zero TOPO-TA Cloning Kit Hieff Clone TOP10 Chemically Competent Cell DH5α Fast Chemically Competent Cell DNA&RNA...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | PCR & qPCR Features Convenient, ready-to-use mix Thermostable—half-life is more than 40 min at 95°C Generates PCR products with 3'-dA overhangs Validation Data Figure1. The expected 1.2 kb PCR products can beamplified with 2×Hieff TM PCR Master Mix. The Master Mix (Cat# 10102) was stored at -20°C for 1 year following another 3 months at 4°C and 1 month at 25°C. Template: Arabidopsis genome. Annealing temperature: 60°C. Extension time: 40 sec. Selected Product Citations [1]Li X, Zhang Y, Xu L, et al. Ultrasensitive sensors reveal the spatiotemporal landscape of lactate...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | PCR & qPCR 2× Hieff™ Ultra-Rapid HotStart PCR Master Mix (with Dye) The amplification speed is fast: simple templates can be amplified up to 1 sec/kb The Mix contains an electrophoresis indicator dye, which can be used directly after the reaction and is easy to use Validation Data Figure1. The target fragments with lengths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 kb were amplified by using the human gene as a template. The PCR reaction conditions used the PCR reaction conditions recommended by our company. After the reaction, 4uL was taken for electrophoresis detection. Marker: 15000 DNA...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | PCR & qPCR 2×HieffTM CanaceTM Plus PCR Master Mix (With Dye) The Mix contains an electrophoresis indicator dye, which can be used directly after the reaction and is easy to use Accuracy: The fidelity is 83 times higher than that of Taq DNA polymerase and 9 times higher than that of ordinary Pfu DNA polymerase Validation Data Canace plus Canace gold This product has 83× fidelity of Taq DNA polymerase. Mutation frequency(%) Figure2. Different templates were amplified using Cat 10154, Cat 10149 and Competitors (A and B) The results showed that Cat 10154 has excellent...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | PCR & qPCR Hieff Unicon™ Universal Blue qPCR Master Mix (Dye Based) Features Platform-wide No need to alter ROX concentration using premixed colors Blue master mix, color shows whether sample is added Compatible with traditionaland rapid programs; quickest 46-minute quantitative experiment Good amplification performance High amplification efficiency, good specificity, may identify single-digit copy number genes Validation Data Figure1. High sensitivity: the ability to detect a single copy. Hieff Unicon™ Universal Blue Master Mix can detect template levels over seven orders...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | PCR & qPCR Hieff™ miRNA Universal qPCR SYBR Master Mix (by tailing A) No need to alter ROX concentration using premixed colors High sensitivity detection rate High specificity Able to distinguish single base differences between miRNAs in the same family Good amplification performance Excellent amplification efficiency Validation Data Figure1. Good amplification performance: excellent amplification efficiency. miR-let-7b-5p, miR-let-7c-5p, miR-let-7e-5p, miR-let-7f-5p genes were amplified using human 293T cells and mouse liver Total RNA as templates. The results showed that...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | Reverse Transcription Hifair™ Ⅲ 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (gDNA digester plus) Good heat resistance tolerates 65℃ and is suitable for RNA templates with complex secondary structures Efficient removal High compatibility avoid interference caused by gDNA in the template suitable for reverse transcription of genes with different GC content and different expression abundance Wide linear detection range cDNA can be synthesized efficiently in a wide template range Validation Data Figure1. High compatibility: genes suitable for different GC content, different...
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1.1 Molecular Biology | Reverse Transcription Hifair™ miRNA 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (by tailing A) High sensitivity detection rate: 10 pg RNA can be detected High product stability: remains unaffected at 37℃ for 7 days Validation Data Figure1. High sensitivity detection rate: 10 pg RNA can be detected. The synthesized hsa-miR-let-7e-5p (a) and 293T cell total RNA (b) were used as templates and diluted to the following gradients: 60 copies to 606 copies (6 gradients) and 10 pg-100 ng (5 gradients). All gradient cDNA was detected.
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1.1 Molecular Biology | Cloning Hieff CloneTM Universal One Step Cloning Kit Features Simple Seamlessly assemble and clone up to six DNA fragments in a single reaction Design guidelines allow assembly into any vector of your choice Efficient for ligation of one to six fragments Validation Data Figure1. Multi-segment linkage: performance comparison with competitive strains (plate colony ). Top half of the picture: 5 fragments+ vector; Total segment length: 4000 bp; Vector length: 5000bp; Bottom half of the picture: 6 fragments+vector; Total segment length: 5000 bp; Vector length: 5000 bp;...
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Transfection Reagent
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