Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1SIS Micro- and Nanotechnology for better Ophthalmic Instruments We are specialists in ophthalmology and locus our operations on clearly defined oreas Core applications We are specialized in the application of refraclive sur- Core competencies We hold expertise in the oreos of ophthalmology, micro-ond nanotechnology. Combining the expertise of these three areas results in new innovative products. We identify potential opportunities and focus on reali- stic projects. In the SIS Group we combine competencies in rese- arch ond development, production and marketing Core technologies The pathway...
Open the catalog to page 2Free hand diamond knives with straight handle for cataract surgery
Open the catalog to page 3Phaco diamond knives with blunt sides and straight handle Double toneel with blunt tides ind type knive with sharp sides Round type knive with blunt sides Hall round type knive with sharp sides
Open the catalog to page 4Phaco knives with angled handle for „clear cornea" technique Diamond Modes with 4 or 5 mm length with sharp or blunt tide cutting edges in parallel or trapezoid exécution Double lancet with blunt tide* Single lancet with blunt sides with íhorp sides Double lancet 5mm knive with sharp sides
Open the catalog to page 5(to Dr. Anneri with ihorp lides Double loncel S mm knive, Tropcioio1 with ihorp tide* Multi purpose diamond knife to Dr. Zaldivar • Siterai tunnel intiiion • Opening of file anterior chamber • Wound widening for l(X impJonfofion
Open the catalog to page 6Crescent and tunnel knives for scleral tunnel incision
Open the catalog to page 7SIS develops and manufactures surgical ond diagnoslic systems and instru- ments in the areas of refractive surgery, cataract and glaucoma. Turning our attention to the technological challenge of the next few years, we con- fidently predict that micro- ond nanotechnology will revolutionize the work of the eye surgeon. This meons that we at SIS have to constantly update our core competencies. Such developments encourage us to place a high prio- rity on developing and applying a strategy ol consistent knowledge mana- gement. We have also systematically developed the expertise of our rese- arch...
Open the catalog to page 8All Ziemer Group catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
6 Pages
Femto LDV
20 Pages
Amadeus II
6 Pages