Catalog excerpts

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Since the McGill Consensus in 2002, the dental industry has recognized that implant-supported overdentures are the minimum standard of care* for edentulous patients. The percentage of the U.S. population over the age of 65 has more than tripled to 12.9%* This number will continue to increase as the baby boomer population ages with approximately 26% of them becoming edentulous, likely requiring dentures* With these booming statistics, it is not surprising that mini implant overdentures are forecasted to grow more than 150% by the year 2017.* As these patients look for treatment options,...
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PATIENTS DEMANDED, YOU ASKED, ZEST ANCHORS DELIVERS THE LOCATOR® OVERDENTURE IMPLANT SYSTEM Until now, choosing a narrow diameter implant often meant a sacrifice in attachment performance and ultimately patient satisfaction. Introducing the LOCATOR Overdenture Implant System (LODI) featuring the world’s leading overdenture attachment from ZEST Anchors. LODI is ideal for fully or partially edentulous patients with severe resorption and very narrow ridges. The typical treatment plan for these edentulous patients would be bone grafting, requiring a long process with additional surgeries and...
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A LESS INVASIVE, COST EFFECTIVE OPTIO A WELCOME ALTERNATIVE TO O-BALL MINI IMPLANTS Dramatically reduced vertical height for patient comfort when the denture is removed - as well as increased denture strength The LOCATOR Attachment’s dramatically reduced vertical height provides patient comfort when the denture is removed, as well as increased denture strength as compared to O-Ball attachments Aggressive thread design that widens at the coronal portion providing primary stability when immediate loading may be indicated Proven RBM roughened surface on entire length of the implant O-Ball Mini...
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NTURE IMPLANT SYSTEM N FOR PATIENTS WITH NARROW RIDGES A NARROW DIAMETER IMPLANT FEATURING LOCATOR, THE WORLD’S LEADING OVERDENTURE ATTACHMENT The LOCATOR Male self-aligns and pivots inside the denture cap providing a genuine resilient connection that holds-up to patient mastication forces while providing attachment durability LOCATOR Attachment is available in 2.5 and 4mm cuff heights for implant placement flexibility, attachment interchangeability and replacement should wear occur throughout time ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE CONTAINS 1 Implant 1 LOCATOR Attachment 1 LODI Male Processing Pack...
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All of the LOCATOR® Overdenture Implant System osteotomy preparation instruments include easily identifiable laser etched depth markings for clear visibility when drilling and placing implants. A drill stop set is also included for an additional level of depth control. These features provide you with simplicity and security during osteotomy preparation, especially when using a flapless technique. INSERTION The Male Seating Tool is used to seat the LOCATOR Male. REMOVAL The Male Removal Tool has a sharp edge on the end to catch and remove the male from the Denture Cap. PLACEMENT The LOCATOR...
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A NARROW DIAMETER IMPLANT WITH BEST-IN-CLASS LOCATOR® TECHNOLOGY the ZEST Anchors LOCATOR Overdenture Self-aligning design for easy placement and removal Attachment differentiating feature is the patented Customizable levels of retention Easy to insert and remove by your patients, pivoting technology. Its innovative ability to pivot increases the attachment’s resiliency and Draw correction of divergent implants up to 40º tolerance for the high mastication forces an attachment must withstand. This streamlined performance leads to fewer problems, increased productivity and long-term patient...
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STOP TURNING AWAY OVERDENTURE PATIENTS WHO DECLINE BONE GRAFTING! START OFFERING THE LOCATOR OVERDENTURE IMPLANT SYSTEM AS A TREATMENT ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR PATIENTS TODAY! ZEST ANCHORS 2061 WINERIDGE PLACE ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 USA DISTRIBUTED BY: ©2012 ZEST Anchors LLC. All rights reserved. ZEST and LOCATOR are registered trademarks of ZEST IP Holdings, LLC. TEL: 1.855.866.LODI (5934) FAX: 760.743.7975 EMAIL: SALES@ZESTANCHORS.COM WWW.ZESTANCHORS.COM Global Headquarters 4555 Riverside Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 1-800-342-5454 Canada: 1-800-363-1980 Outside the U.S.: +1-561-776-6700...
Open the catalog to page 8All Zimmer Dental catalogs and technical brochures
40 Pages
1 Pages
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Eztetic ™ 3.1 mmD Implant System
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Archived catalogs
iTero Element 5D®
2 Pages
Puros® Dermis
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Endobon Xenograft Brochure
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SmileZ Today™
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External Hex Implant System
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Certain® Implant System
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External Hex Implant System
32 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
slim kit
6 Pages
sinus lateral approach kit
2 Pages
24 Pages
Product Catalog
79 Pages
8 Pages
Screw-Vent® Product Catalog
8 Pages
Single-Patient Drill
2 Pages
Driva - Drill
2 Pages
12 Pages
Zimmer One-Piece Implant
2 Pages
6 Pages
S p l i n e ®
36 Pages
SwissPlus ® Implant System
2 Pages
Drill Stop Kit Brochure
2 Pages