

Catalog excerpts

Puros_Block - 1

Puros® Allograft Block & Puros Allograft Cancellous Block Changing The Concept Of Block Grafting 1. Documented Successful Bone Regeneration • ocumented graft and implant success rates1,3 make it a viable D alternative to autogenous block grafting4,5 • Multicenter data reported 91% Puros Allograft Block and 99% Tapered Screw-Vent® Implant survival at three years1 • Cortico-Cancellous structure retains the remodeling capabilities of cancellous bone with the strength advantages of cortical bone needed for dimensional ridge augmentation1,3 Puros Allograft Block • aves time, helps to reduce pain, and can shorten the patient’s S rehabilitation period by eliminating the need to harvest an autogenous graft 3. Tutoplast® Tissue Sterilization Process • terilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast® Process, Puros Allograft Block S offers a high-quality option for bone regeneration • Retains osteoconductive properties due to the preservation of the natural bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular pattern, original porosity1,2,6 • Five-year shelf life and room temperature storage Puros Allograft

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Puros_Block - 2

The Unique Tutoplast Process Osmotic, oxidative and alkaline (if indicated) treatments break down cell walls, inactivate pathogens, and remove bacteria. Solvent dehydration allows for room-temperature storage of tissue without damaging the native tissue structure. Low-dose gamma irradiation ensures a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6 of the final packaged graft.7 For over 40 years, a variety of Tutoplast processed tissues have been distributed in more than five million procedures. A Clinically Proven Documented Solution For Restoring Volume To Severely Resorbed Ridges.1,3 Clinical...

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