

Catalog excerpts

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Regenerative Product Portfolio Trusted Clinical Solutions ZIMMER BIOMET Your progress. Our promise:

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ZIMMER BIOMET Featured Products

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The Power Of Puros Allografts Clinicians around the globe have counted on the Puros family of allografts for hard- and soft-tissue augmentation procedures for years. The brand’s renowned reputation is based on:* • Consistent, clinically documented and predictable processing and configuration • Allowing for creation of healthy, solid bone1-3 • Rapid, predictable turnover shown in human clinical studies4-7 • Natural, easy-to-use, terminally sterile options • uick hydration, five-year shelf life “excluding RegenaVate and Puros Putties” and Q storage at room temperature8 “excluding RegenaVate...

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Puros Cortico-Cancellous Particulate Allograft Key Benefit: Puros Cortico-Cancellous Particulate Allograft is an anatomic-based mix of 70% cortical and 30% cancellous bone particulate. Puros Cortico-Cancellous Particulate Allograft is used in procedures where space maintenance and faster remodeling4-5 are desired.* This mixture combines the clinical advantages of both Puros Cortical and Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft materials. Clinical Advantages: • Retains osseoconductive properties due to the preservation of the natural bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular...

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Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft Key Benefit: Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft has a history of well-documented clinical results, is an easy-to-handle choice for predictable bone regeneration and acts as an osseoconductive scaffold for new bone formation.19 Clinical Advantages: • In large-volume applications, prospective studies have documented faster bone regeneration at 6 months than grafts containing sintered bovine bone matrix4 5 • One study shows the use of tenting screws in combination with Puros Allograft resulted in an average 9.7 mm vertical augmentation in 4 to 5...

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Puros Block Allograft Key Benefit: By eliminating the need to harvest an autogenous block graft, Puros Block Allografts may save time and help to reduce pain and can shorten the patient's rehabilitation period. Clinical Advantages: • A clinically documented solution for effectively restoring volume to severely resorbed ridges2,3,18 • Outcomes have been comparable to those generally reported for autogenous block grafting, but without the need for a second surgery to harvest bone19-21 • Clinical reports have documented the ability to stabilize implants 5 to 6 months after grafting2,3,18 •...

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CopiOsXenograft Particulates Predictable Remodeling And Regeneration • CopiOs Cancellous Particulate Xenografts are mineralized particulate cancellous bovine bone chips indicated for large and small bone defects4445 • In small defects it has been reported into vital bone44 • During the remodeling process CopiOs Cancellous Particulate Xenografts act as an osseoconductive scaffold for new bone formation44 46 • Retains osseoconductive properties due to the preservation of the original bovine cancellous bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular pattern and original porosity44...

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Soft-Tissue Grafts Puros Dermis Allograft Tissue Matrix Key Benefit: Ideal for aesthetic case requirements, Puros Dermis Allograft Tissue Matrix is a high-quality, natural, biocompatible matrix that is sterilized and preserved through the proprietary Tutoplast process to provide an easy-to-use, biocompatible, regenerative solution, for horizontal and vertical soft-tissue augmentation,28,29 soft-tissue management and guided tissue regeneration procedures. Clinical Advantages: • Reduces morbidity and saves valuable chair time by eliminating the need to harvest an autogenous graft • Provides...

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Shelf-life: Five (5) years

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13 Copios Extend Membrane Key Benefit: CopiOs Extend Membrane is a long-lasting, resorbable collagen membrane designed to allow implant placement while providing ample time for regeneration. It conforms to the defect with enough structural integrity for space creation. CopiOs Extend Membrane lasts 6 to 9 months. Clinical Advantages: • Cell-Occlusive - allows nutrients to permeate whileoccluding epithelial cells43 • Biocompatible - highly purified, intact porcine dermis43 • Convenient handling - conformable and easy to reposition in the defect • Easy-to-Use - supplied sterile and...

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Zimmer Collagen Plug 10 mm x 20 mm Zimmer Collagen Plug, Tape And Patch Key Benefit: Highly porous, absorbable collagen wound dressings to help protect, heal and repair oral wounds. Clinical Advantages: • Protects Wound Bed - adheres and provides coverage to oral wounds and sores • Designed to Aid Healing - porous, absorbable matrix supports delicate new tissue • Versatile for Everyday Use - three convenient shapes for common oral wounds and procedures • Designed to resorb within a short timeframe • Indicated for management of oral wounds and sores: - Denture sores - Oral ulcers...

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15 Sinus Lift Solutions Sinus Crestal Approach Kit Key Benefit: The Sinus Crestal Approach Kit is minimally invasive, designed for creating an osteotomy into the inferior cortical bone without tearing the Schneiderian membrane. Clinical Advantages: • S-reamer head has been designed with a special blade structure to leave a thin bone disk between membrane and reamer—the reamer does not touch membrane directly • Stoppers control the drilling depth of the S-reamer (10 pieces, 2 to 11 mm) and can also be mounted on the bone spreader and bone condenser • S-reamer can be used for misaligned and...

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16 Screw Fixation Kit The Screw Fixation System provides a compact solution for the temporary fixation and stabilization of bone transplants, suitable resorbable and non-resorbable bone replacement materials, and membranes for the alveolar ridge. Two color coded systems in 1.5 mmD MICRO (BLUE) and 2.0 mmD MINI (RED) offer concise and cost effective functional options. The color coding scheme for the two systems, the components and the screws, makes easy and rapid identification of the parts possible and simplifies parts matching. This modular storage system permits individual configuration...

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All Zimmer Dental catalogs and technical brochures

Archived catalogs

  1. Puros_Block

    2 Pages

  2. slim kit

    6 Pages


    8 Pages

  4. T3_Implant

    8 Pages

  5. zim

    12 Pages

  6. Eztetic

    6 Pages

  7. S p l i n e ®

    36 Pages