Catalog excerpts

Prettau® 4 Anterior ® Dispersive® ALL MADE IN ZIRCONIA Florence Zircoprox Denture System Fresco Ceramic
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THE COURAGE TO TRY SOMETHING NEW OPENS THE DOOR TO PROGRESS In order to discover unthinkable possibilities and unleash the highest potential, the comfort zone has to be left behind. Being open-minded to new experiences and facing unknown situations can lead to previously undiscovered innovations. Prettau® 4 Anterior ® Dispersive® Fresco Ceramic
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MORE INFORMATION MINIMAL GINGIVAL LAYERING WITH FRESCO CERAMICS With the new ceramic pastes Fresco Gingiva and Fresco Enamel, monolithic or slightly reduced zirconia structures can be quickly and easily layered in the gingival and vestibular tooth regions. Compared to conventional ceramics, Fresco pastes remain moist for a longer time and can be modelled for several hours. Their consistency can be further personalised by adding the two mixing liquids Fresco Liquid and Fresco Gel, depending on the preferred working method. Due to their high primary density, the pastes exhibit very low...
Open the catalog to page 3
MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PRETTAU ® ZIRCONIA H U M A N Z I RCON I U M T EC H NOL O GY Zirkonzahn Worldwide – Tel +39 0474 066 680 – info@zirkonzahn.com – www.zirkonzahn.com PRETTAU® 4 ANTERIOR® DISPERSIVE® Flexural strength Flexural strength Without colour gradient Individual colouring with Colour Liquids With natural colour gradient Optional: individualisation with Colour Liquids Intensive Monolithic design in the posterior area possible Monolithic design in the anterior and posterior area possible This is an international advertisement. Not all products mentioned are available in all...
Open the catalog to page 4All Zirkonzahn catalogs and technical brochures
Insert ICE Plus
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Case gallery Prettau® Skin®
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Insert X-Ray Sphere
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Insert anti-snoring device
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Fresco Ceramics Application
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Brochure PlaneSystem®
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Flyer PlaneAnalyser II
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Flyer Head Tracker
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Brochure CAD/CAM System
88 Pages
Flyer Resins for 3D printing
1 Pages
Insert Zirkonofen 600/V4
4 Pages
Insert M6 Blank Changer
5 Pages
Brochure JawAligner
28 Pages
Brochure Detection Eye
20 Pages
Brochure PlaneSystem®
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Case gallery Bartplatte
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Brochure Fresco Ceramics
52 Pages
Brochure Zirkonzahn thinks big
12 Pages
Brochure Shade Guide
52 Pages
Insert Prettau® Line
4 Pages
Case gallery Fresco Ceramics
4 Pages
Brochure Zirkonofen Turbo
36 Pages
Insert Zirkonofen Turbo
4 Pages
Insert Gingiva-Composites
4 Pages
Case gallery Prettau® 2
4 Pages
Implant-supported components
100 Pages
Case gallery Raw-Abutment®
4 Pages
Insert Software
6 Pages
Case gallery Bite Splint
4 Pages
Brochure My Laboratory
32 Pages
Brochure Zirkonzahn
68 Pages
Brochure Military School
32 Pages
Brochure Sintering Furnaces
28 Pages
Brochure Patients
24 Pages
Brochure Material diversity
116 Pages