Catalog excerpts
PRETTAU ® 2 DISPERSIVE ® The Zirkonzahn Culture
Open the catalog to page 1PRETTAU® BRIDGE MANUFACTURED WITH THE DOUBLE SCREW METAL TECHNIQUE Initial situation: Female patient with aesthetically unpleasing temporary restoration; vestibular protrusion of the screw channels; strongly pronounced gap between right and left bridge (11–21) Planned restoration: Maxilllary Prettau® 2 Dispersive® zirconia restoration on two separate bars to better compensate the divergence of the implants Digital acquisition of the six implant positions and design of the bars in the Zirkonzahn.Modellier software with the free-forming function Use of the Double Screw Metal function (in the...
Open the catalog to page 2INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS, THANKS TO ZIRKONZAHN’S DIGITAL WORKFLOW Dr. Fernando Rojas-Vizcaya – Castellón, Spain DT Samuele Zanini – Zirkonzahn Education Center Brunico, South Tyrol, I
Open the catalog to page 3MORE INFORMATION Pre-coloured zirconia with a natural colour gradient, optimal flexural strength and particularly high translucency No limitations! Ideal for monolithic full arch bridges, but also for monolithic single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, bars and multi-unit bridges (reduced or monolithic) No ceramic chipping (thanks to monolithic design), no abrasion of the antagonist Can be characterised individually for each patient with Colour Liquids Prettau® Aquarell Intensive, ICE Ceramics, Fresco Ceramics and ICE Stains 3D by Enrico Steger H U M A N Z I RCON I U M T EC H NOL O GY...
Open the catalog to page 4All Zirkonzahn catalogs and technical brochures
Case gallery Prettau® Skin®
4 Pages
Insert X-Ray Sphere
4 Pages
Insert anti-snoring device
4 Pages
Fresco Ceramics Application
6 Pages
Brochure PlaneSystem®
24 Pages
Flyer PlaneAnalyser II
1 Pages
Flyer Head Tracker
1 Pages
Brochure CAD/CAM System
88 Pages
Flyer Resins for 3D printing
1 Pages
Insert Zirkonofen 600/V4
4 Pages
Insert M6 Blank Changer
5 Pages
Brochure JawAligner
28 Pages
Brochure Detection Eye
20 Pages
Brochure PlaneSystem®
28 Pages
Case gallery Bartplatte
4 Pages
Brochure Fresco Ceramics
52 Pages
Brochure Zirkonzahn thinks big
12 Pages
Brochure Shade Guide
52 Pages
Insert Prettau® Line
4 Pages
Case gallery Fresco Ceramics
4 Pages
Brochure Zirkonofen Turbo
36 Pages
Insert Zirkonofen Turbo
4 Pages
Insert Gingiva-Composites
4 Pages
Case gallery Prettau® 2
4 Pages
Implant-supported components
100 Pages
Case gallery Raw-Abutment®
4 Pages
Insert Software
6 Pages
Case gallery Bite Splint
4 Pages
Brochure My Laboratory
32 Pages
Brochure Zirkonzahn
68 Pages
Brochure Military School
32 Pages
Brochure Sintering Furnaces
28 Pages
Brochure Patients
24 Pages
Brochure Material diversity
116 Pages