Advanced Press


Catalog excerpts

Advanced Press - 1


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Advanced Press - 2

Lithium Disilicate Lithium disilicate ceramics are an increasingly popular material for fabricating restorations in dental laboratories. They are characterized by their high strength and can be processed not only by CAD/CAM but also by a pressing technique similar to the one used with traditional pressable ceramics. However, the resulting quality of pressing Lthium Disilicate has varied greatly. Due to it's sensitivity to temperature while in contact with phosphate-bonded compounds common among investments.

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Advanced Press - 3

Temperaturverlauf LDS-Advanced Press 1100 1100 Advanced Press Firing chamber Ring Centre of the ring Pressure Muffel außen Muffel Kern/Keramik Principle of Advanced Press Patented pressing technology Temperature differentials between the inside and outside of rings have always existed when processed in traditional pressing ovens. Differences on the order of 30°C–50°C – depending on the size of the ring and the conductivity of the investment compound – pose an obstacle to consistent pressing outcomes. If more energy is briefly supplied to the ring, however, its outside temperature will rise...

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Advanced Press - 4

Temperaturverlauf LDS-Advanced Press 890 890 Temperaturverlauf LDS-Advanced Press Temperaturverlauf LDS-Advanced Press Firing chamber Ring Centre of the ring Pressure Muffel außen Muffel Kern/Keramik Zeit [min] Muffel außen Zeit [min] Muffel Kern/Keramik Muffel Kern/Keramik Pressdruck Low pressing temperatures and extremely short pressing cycles Temperatures will soon be almost uniform throughout the muffle. The only thing to be accomplished at this point is to maintain these conditions throughout the entire pressing cycle. Lithium disilicate ceramics can be pressed at a required...

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Advanced Press - 5

Firing chamber Ring Centre of the ring Pressure mathematical Standard pressing Muffel außen Muffel Kern/Keramik Hardly any differences exist between the program cycles used in different types of furnaces when it comes to pressing ceramics. Laboratory technicians generally assume that the temperatures inside the furnace and in the inner regions of the ring will be the same once a predefined exposure time has elapsed. However, this assumption is incorrect and easily explained. The thermocouple inside the furnace only captures the temperature in the furnace chamber, which the system attempts...

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Advanced Press - 6

VARIO PRESS® with patented programs for processing lithium-disilicate ceramics. Ceramic firing furnace Ceramic pressing furnace Advanced Press Process for lithium-disilicate ceramics Preinstalled press-programs for lithium-disilicate ceramics Intelligent Press Power cord Operating system CF-card (green) Ring tong Firing tray Pressing tray incl. press insert Compressed air hose 2m (blue) Pressure reducer (water strainer) with fixing bracket Long tweezer Inline filter for vacuum hose Vacuum hose Connecting cord cold instrument plug for P3 vacuum pump 1x Spare fuses 1x Flex ring system 200 g...

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All ZUBLER catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Z1-AT

    5 Pages

  2. Z1-M Series

    5 Pages

  3. Z1 series

    12 Pages

  4. easy fix

    2 Pages

  5. VARIO S400

    5 Pages

  6. Vario SC

    2 Pages

  7. vario_200_zr

    5 Pages

  8. Vario star

    5 Pages

  9. DC Ceram 9.2

    28 Pages

  10. DC Ceram 12.5

    24 Pages