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PreciseRTX RETREATMENT OPTION ™ MAKING RE-PLANNING MORE EFFICIENT A Workflow-Oriented Solution Approximately 25 percent of patients will require retreatment with radiation therapy.* The PreciseRTX™ Retreatment Option from Accuray, developed in partnership with MIM™ Software, makes retreatment planning more efficient and effective. The software helps to accelerate and enhance the process of creating new treatment plans for patients who have received previous irradiation. • nables importation of patient’s plan data from E both Accuray and non-Accuray systems • equires no transfer of data back and forth to R third-party systems Head and Neck Retreatment Original treatment plan contours and dose deformed onto the new treatment planning CT • utomatically deforms original plan contours onto A a new treatment planning CT • utomatically deforms previously delivered dose A onto a new planning CT • tilizes information from the original treatment U when generating the retreatment plan • ums the original and new treatment plans to review S the total dose Deformable Image Registration QA PreciseRTX provides tools to evaluate the deformable registration, including deformation vector field visualization and Reg Reveal from MIM™ Software Confidence in Precision When treating recurrent disease, the ability to precisely irradiate the target while carefully avoiding healthy normal tissues is essential. Accuray treatment technologies enable clinicians to deliver highly precise radiation therapy which maximizes dose to targets while minimizing dose to surrounding healthy tissues. *Barton, M. B., Allen, S., Delaney, G. P., Hudson, H. M., Hao, Z., Allison, R. W., & van der Linden, Y. M. (2016). Patterns of Retreatment by Radiotherapy. Clinical Oncology, 26(10). Important Safety Information: Most side effects of radiotherapy, including radiotherapy delivered with Accuray systems, are mild and temporary, often involving fatigue, nausea, and skin irritation. Side effects can be severe, however, leading to pain, alterations in normal body functions (for example, urinary or salivary function), deterioration of quality of life, permanent injury, and even death. Side effects can occur during or shortly after radiation treatment or in the months and years following radiation. The nature and severity of side effects depend on many factors, including the size and location of the treated tumor, the treatment technique (for example, the radiation dose), and the patient’s general medical condition, to name a few. For more details about the side effects of your radiation therapy, and to see if treatment with an Accuray product is right for you, ask your doctor. © 2017 Accuray Incorporated, All Rights Reserved. The stylized Accuray logo, CyberKnife, VSI, M6, TomoTherapy, H Series, Tomo, TomoH, TomoHD, TomoHDA, TomoEDGE, TomoHelical, TomoDirect, Hi·Art, PlanTouch, PreciseART, PreciseRTX, Radixact, Accuray Precision, iDMS, Iris, Xchange, RoboCouch, InCise, MultiPlan, Xsight, Synchrony, InTempo, TxView, PlanTouch, QuickPlan, TomoHelical, TomoDirect, TomoEDGE, CTrue, VoLO, Planned Adaptive, TQA, TomoLink, TomoPortal, OIS Connect and AERO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Accuray Incorporated, in the United States and other countries and may not be used or distributed without written authorization from Accuray Incorporated. Use of Accuray Incorporated’s trademarks requires written authorization from Accuray Incorpor
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