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A llium™ Medical The OPS - One Platform Delivery System Allium’s One Platform Delivery System (OPS) for Urethral Stents Allium Medical’s One Platform Delivery System is a unique gun-like system, specially designed to allow easy insertion and deployment of Allium’s three urethral stents: Triangular Prostatic Stent (TPS), Round Posterior Urethral Stent (RPS) and Bulbar Urethra Stent (BUS). The system introduces new capabilities that elevate the stenting procedure to the next level: Accurate Positioning under Direct Scope Visualization and overall streamline
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A-traumatic removal of the Stent by unraveling it into a thread-like strip Allium’s One Platform Delivery System is a sterile, single use Endoscopic system used for trans-urethral insertion of Prostate, Bladder Neck and Bulbar Urethral Stents into the male urethra, diagnosed with a stricture, in order to open the occluded passage and allow spontaneous urination. The Urethral Stent System consists of: 1. An Endoscopic Delivery tool preloaded with a Urethral Stent compatible with any 4mm optical element 2. Locking Clip for fixation of the optical element 3. Meatal Shield for easy and safe...
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Step 1 - Optical Element Fixation into the Delivery System Optical element is inserted into the delivery system until its lens reaches the edge of the delivery system. Locking Clip is then placed over the optical element and is pushed downwards to its locked position in order to secure the optical element in place. A syringe with irrigation fluid is connected to the water inlet port and the light cable is connected to the light cable port of the optical element. The delivery system with the optical element is inserted through the Meatal Shield Dilator Sheath, and is advanced under vision...
Abrir o catálogo na página 3Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Allium Medical Solutions
Biliary Stents
2 Páginas
The OPS Platform for Urethral Stents
4 Páginas
2 Páginas
Allium™ Covered Biliary Stent BIS
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
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