Excertos do catálogo
RF Advanced Technology for premium medical care RF Guide Neeldles •Disposable, single use •Available in a variety of lengths, gauges, and tip configurations •Easy conectalbe to Electrodes •Color-coded for easy gauge identification Reusable Electrodes •Durable and reusable •Gas sterilizable •Available in a variety of lengths and gauges Multi Channel Generator Thermal RF Lesion mode Pulsed RF mode Sensory & Motor Stimulation Touch Screen & Knob control Graphic interface Data Acquisition(USB storage) Single-Use Electrodes •Disposable, single use •Electrode provided sterile •Available in a variety of lengths and gauges Cooling Electrodes •Disposable • lectrode provided sterile. E • lectrode with thermo-sensor E •Electrode with water-circulating system •Available in a variety of lengths 3Floor, 3, Sanbon-ro 86beon-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep of KOREA TEL : +82-31-477-7377 FAX : +82-31-477-7977 Homepage : www.apro-korea.co.kr E-mail : global@apro-korea.co.kr
Abrir o catálogo na página 1Sensory & Motor Stimulation ▶ 1~200Hz, 1 step frequency ▶ 0.1~1.0ms, 0.1 step duration ▶ 0.1~5.0V, 0.1 step Voltage RF Advanced Technology for premium medical care Independent control of 4 lesions at once Full 10.2” touch screen operation Real time Graphical Display Doctor and Patient presets Electronic procedure records Detailed error detection message to simplify troubleshooting Pad-Guard Monitoring for safe procedure Thermal RF Lesion Mode 80℃ 80℃ 80℃ ▶ 480Khz Radio Frequency ▶ Maximum 30W RF output ▶ 1~30W setting ▶ 50~900Ω IMP measuring ▶ 42~90˚C TEMP setting ▶ 10~90˚C TEMP measuring...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos APRO KOREA
CoATherm AK-A304
4 Páginas
Argon JET plasma
4 Páginas
Vaginal douche apparatus for OB/GYN
2 Páginas
Electro surgical unit
2 Páginas
2 Páginas