SPL Stapedioplasty Stapedectomy and Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses PAP Partial Audio Prostheses
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SPL Stapedioplasty  Stapedectomy and  Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses PAP Partial Audio Prostheses - 1

SPL Stapedioplasty Stapedectomy and Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses Disposable Suction Tubes Reconstructive Biomaterials Surgical Inst ruments PAP Partial Audio Prostheses Audio Technologies S.r.l Gossolengo - Piacenza (ITALY) - Tel. +39.0523.778864 - Fax. +39.0523.770019 info@audiotechnologies.it - www.audiotechnologies.it

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SPL Stapedioplasty  Stapedectomy and  Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses PAP Partial Audio Prostheses - 2

PLATINUM Prosthesis for Stapedectomy PTFE LOOP Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy Dimensions Trimmable Piston 0: 0.50 mm CODE* CODE** L (mm) * with notch **without notch PLATINUM Prosthesis for Stapedectomy PTFE LOOP Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy Dimensions Trimmable Piston 0: 0.60 mm CODE* CODE** PLATINUM Prosthesis for Stapedectomy PTFE LOOP Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy CODE* CODE** L (mm) PLATINUM Prosthesis for Stapedoomy Trimmable Piston 0: 0.40 mm^SPL 03.18.400 SPL 03.18.400x 4.00 * with notch **without notch PTFE LOOP Prosthesis for...

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SPL Stapedioplasty  Stapedectomy and  Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses PAP Partial Audio Prostheses - 3

TiTANiUM Bucket Handle for Stapedectomy TiTANiUM Bucket Handle for Stapedectomy Piston diameter - 0.40 Ext. cup diameter - 1.10 Int. cup diameter - 0.95 Piston diameter - 0.60 Ext. cup diameter - 1.10 Int. cup diameter - 0.95 Total Functional Length Length TiTANiUM Bucket Handle for Stapedectomy TiTANiUM Bucket Handle for Stapedectomy Piston diameter - 0.80 Ext. cup diameter - 1.10 Int. cup diameter - 0.95 Total Functional Length Length Piston diameter - 0.50 Ext. cup diameter - 1.10 Int. cup diameter - 0.95 Total Functional Length Length TiTANiUM SELF-CRiMPiNG Prosthesis for...

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PLATINUM - PTFE PLATINUM - PTFE PLATINUM/PTFE Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy CODE SPL 03.07 PLATINUM/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis CODE SPL 03.07S CODE L (mm) CODE L (mm) SPL 03.07.400 4.00 SPL 03.07.550 PLATINUM/PTFE Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy CODE SPL 03.08 PLATINUM/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis CODE SPL 03.08S CODE L (mm) to 4.25 Dimensions Piston 0: 0.40 mm PLATINUM/PTFE Prosthesis for Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy CODE SPL 03.09 PLATINUM/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis CODE SPL 03.09S CODE L (mm) CODE L (mm) SPL 03.09.400 4.00 SPL 03.09.550...

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Self-Crimping Superelastic NITINOL/PTFE Piston Dimensions Wire 0: 0.20 mm Columella 0: 0.40 mm Self-Crimping Superelastic NITINOL/PTFE Piston Dimensions Wire 0: 0.20 mm Columella 0: 0.50 mm Superelastic NITINOL - PTFE SPL 03.43.700 7.00 6.00 NITINOL/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis CODE L (mm) FL (mm) Dimensions Wire 0: 0.20 mm PTFE Columella 0: 0.40 mm NITINOL/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis CODE L (mm) FL (mm) Dimensions Wire 0: 0.20 mm PTFE Columella 0: 0.60 mm Self-Crimping Superelastic NITINOL/PTFE Piston NITINOL/PTFE Trimmable Prosthesis Dimensions Wire 0: 0.20 mm Columella 0:...

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SPL Stapedioplasty  Stapedectomy and  Stapedotomy prostheses TPL Tympanoplasty TAP Total Audio Prostheses PAP Partial Audio Prostheses - 6

AUDIO PE® Offset Partial Prosthesis AUDIO-HA® Total Prosthesis Columella outside 0: 1.80 Columella inside 0: 1.20 AUDIO PE® Offset Total Prosthesis AUDIO PE® Total Prosthesis AUDIO-HA® Partial Prosthesis AUDIO PE® Partial Prosthesis Columella outside 0: 2.10 Columella inside 0: 1.20 AUDIO PE® Adjustable Offset Total Prosthesis* AUDIO-HA® 90° Oval Head Total Prosthesis AUDIO-HA® 75° Oval Head Total Prosthesis *PLATINUM core Columella distal end 0: 0.70 AUDIO-HA® 90° Oval Head Partial Prosthesis AUDIO-HA® Offset Total Prosthesis Columella outside 0: 2.00 Columella inside 0: 1.20 AUDIO-HA® 75°...

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AUDIO-HA® Partial Incus Dense AUDIO-HA® Prosthesis “Marpla" by E. Garcia Ibanez AUDIO-HA® Adjustable Total Prosthesis* *PLATINUM joint Columella distal end 0: 0.65 AUDIO-HA® Adjustable Partial Prosthesis* Dense AUDIO-HA® Telescopic Total Prosthesis by Magnan-Babighian Porous and dense AUDIO-HA® Adjustable Partial Prosthesis* Porous AUDIO-HAP® and PTFE Trimmable Total Prosthesis* Dense AUDIO-HA® Telescopic Partial Prosthesis by Magnan-Babighian Dense AUDIO-HA® and AUDIO-PE® Trimmable Total Prosthesis* Dense AUDIO-HA® and AUDIO-PE® Trimmable Partial Prosthesis* Porous AUDIO-HAP® and PTFE...

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Dense AUDIO-HA® and AUDIO-PE® Trimmable Malleus-Footplate Prosthesis* Gold and PE Trimmable Partial Prosthesis* Dense AUDIO-HA® and AUDIO-PE® Trimmable Malleus-Stapes Prosthesis* *Trimmable PE stem Flange 0: 3.00 Gold wire 0: 0.30 PE columella outside 0: 1.80 PE columella inner 0: 1.20 Gold and PTFE Adjustable Total Prosthesis* *PLATINUM joint Flange 0: 3.50 Platinum wire 0: 0.25 AUDIO-PE columella external 0: 2.20 AUDIO-PE Columella inner 0: 1.40 Gold and AUDIO-PE® Adjustable Partial Prosthesis* Dense AUDIO-HA by Magnan Posterior Canal Wall Prosthesis Outside radius: 10 Inside radius: 6...

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TITANIUM/HAP Adjustable Partial Prosthesis PATENTED TITANIUM/HAP Adjustable Total Prosthesis PATENTED Extensible stem Flange size: 3.50 x 2.50 TITANIUM Total Prosthesis TITANIUM/HAP Total Prosthesis TITANIUM Partial Prosthesis TITANIUM/HAP Partial Prosthesis TITANIUM Adjustable Total Prosthesis Extensible stem Flange size: 3.50 x 2.50 TITANIUM/HAP Adjustable Total Prosthesis PATENTED Extensible stem Flange size: 3.50 x 2.50 TITANIUM Adjustable Partial Prosthesis TITANIUM Adjustable Partial Prosthesis Extensible stem Flange size: 3.50 x 2.50 Extensible stem Flange size: 3.50 x 2.50 TITANIUM/...

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Ninja Universal shoe size: 0.7x1.1 nails: 0.09 TITANIUM Ninja Total Prosthesis TITANIUM/HAP Ninja Total Prosthesis TITANIUM/HAP Ninja Adjustable total Prosthesis TITANIUM Ninja Adjustable Total Prosthesis Extensible stem Shoe size: 0.7x1.1 Extensible stem Shoe size: 0.7x1.1

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Audio Technologies S.r.l Gossolengo - Piacenza (ITALY) - Tel. +39.0523.778864 - Fax. +39.0523.770019 - info@audiotechnologies.it - www.audiotechnologies.it CAT400 rev.00 – Oct. 2015

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