Grupo: Gamma Poliuretani S.r.l.

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Top quality Top solution AURION Unibody System COMPACT MEGA Build your trolley Custom configuration + Accessories
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The unique and innovative The material and the unique patented characteristics, combined with inimitable and aesthetical touch give life to a product extremely practical, sturdy and reliable. The complete and innovative range of models, the wide offer of accessories and the continual development of the product allow versatile and cutting-edge solutions, adaptable to any hospital ward or use. L’ampia gamma di colori esalta la funzionalità e l’estetica dei carrelli, aiutando a rendere accoglienti e confortevoli gli ambienti, oltre a distinguere reparti o funzioni specifiche. Aurion offers...
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Well-designed Aurion trolleys are made in Baydur® Polyurethane, a high performance material that combines the best characteristics of plastics and metals. • light, sturdy, high resistance to scratching and impact; • resistant to UV rays; • chemical inert, doesn't react to acids, organic and inorganic, alkali and solvents (DIN 68861/1); • fire resistant, self-extinguishing (Class I, UL94 V-0); • non-toxic, in case of combustion it doesn't produce dioxin; • good thermal and acoustic insulation; • long-lasting, keeps its properties intact for over 50 years. I carrelli Aurion sono realizzati in...
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The Aurion Unibody System trolleys are designed following the original concept of “monocoque”: the trolley and the drawers are moulded in a single piece of Baydur® Polyurethane, that assures peerless sturdiness and reliability, great hygiene and perfect cleaning qualities. La linea di carrelli Aurion Unibody System è concepita secondo il concetto originale di “monoscocca”: il carrello e i cassetti sono stampati in un unico blocco di Poliuretano Baydur®, che assicura robustezza e affidabilità senza pari, grande igiene e perfetta pu
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Stable in every condition Fully equipped They are easily maneuverable thanks to the lightness and the special fixing system of the castors, that distributes homogeneously the weight and guarantees high stability also in case of strong accidental collisions. All-around soft rubber bumper help to avoid damages to hospital staff, patients, objects or to the trolley itself. A central locking device is available to be chosen between key, seal or electronic lock. The drawers slide on non-metallic guides directly integrated in the body, that makes the cleaning and the maintenance easy as well as...
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The suitable solution to every demand La soluzione adatta a qualsiasi esigenza. SUGGESTED CONFIGURATION CP ISOLATION
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SUGGESTED CONFIGURATION Aurion Compact is compatible with ISO 600x400 trays and Aurion Monodose Cassette. Aurion Compact e compatibile con vassoi ISO 600x400 e Aurion Cassette Monodose.
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The ideal solution when more space is needed La soluzione ideale quando occorre piu spazio. SUGGESTED CONFIGURATION MG ISOLATION
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Simple but with Aurion quality The Aurion Mini System offers a new and simple way to handle your medicine logistic and hospital supplies, allowing a safe and quick integration of medicine logistics and distribution, from pharmacy to patients. The Aurion Mini System trolleys have been designed with the purpose to be simple and functional with the usual Aurion quality. Top, base and sides made in Baydur® Polyurethane (internal sides in ABS) assure lightness, sturdiness and easy to clean. I carrelli della linea Aurion Mini sono stati progettati con lo scopo di essere semplici e funzionali con...
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Light and efficient solutions to handle your medicines logistics. La soluzione leggera ed efficiente per gestire la logistica dei farmaci. The simple way to handle your hospital supplies. La soluzione più semplice per la gestione delle forniture ospedaliere. Trolleys can be fitted with up to 12 Monodose Cassettes (up to 180 patient bins) at any time, reducing the number of trips required to dispense medicines from the pharmacy to wards. The locking system will secure drawers and Monodose Cassettes in the trolley body and, at the same time, all patient bins in the Monodose Cassettes. MINI...
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The innovative logistic and distribution medicine system. Se la CM è inserita nel carrello la chiusura centralizzata del carrello blocca sia la cassetta che i singoli bin, quando la CM è fuori dal carrello i bin possono essere bloccati con un sigillo. Personal bins are provided with the MC, every bin includes a label, 3 dividers and a clear plastic sliding top. I bin sono forniti con la CM, ogni bin include un’etichetta, 3 divisori e un coperchio scorrevole trasparente. Compatible with Aurion COMPACT, Aurion MINI400 and MINI400D. La Cassetta Monodose (CM) funziona come un cassetto normale e...
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Build your trolley CUSTOM CONFIGURATION Set up the trolley to your needs in four steps: Configura il carrello in base alle tue necessità in quattro mosse: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. trolley basic body; 2. locking system; 3. front configuration; 4. accessories. Do you need something particular that you can’t find in our catalog? Any modifications or customizations? corpo base; sistema di chiusura; configurazione del frontale; accessori. sistema di chiusura code Hai bisogno di qualcosa di particolare che non trovi nel catalogo? Qualche modifica o personalizzazione? We are the direct manufacturer of our...
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CUSTOM CONFIGURATION Front configuration configurazione del frontale code light green light green light blue light blue verde chiaro light blue verde chiaro light green light green light blue verde chiaro cassetto h 150 mm (max 4 pezzi per carrello) verde chiaro cassetto h 200 mm (max 3 pezzi per carrello) monodose cassette (h 200 mm) cassette monodose (h 200 mm) patient files holder porta cartelle
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CUSTOM CONFIGURATION Accessories accessori description * to use in combination with adjustable IV pole (code 1700) when poles system is installed. da usare in abbinamento con asta flebo telescopica (codice 1700) in presenza del sistema pali supporto accessori.
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Catálogos arquivados
aurion 2019 catalog
19 Páginas
1 Páginas