Excertos do catálogo
Flexible, Rigid and Retractable Pendants SPECIFICATION Retractable Pendants Rigid & Retractable Pendants The pendant shall be designed for installation into operating theatres and anaesthetic rooms, providing medical gases, electrical power, data and extra low voltage services as specified by the customer, in a convenient prefabricated assembly. The pendant shall be supplied pre-piped, pre-wired and fully tested. Pendants shall be manufactured and installed to provide a 2000mm clearance above finished floor level (in retracted position for retractable pendants). The pendant shall fully comply with HTM 2022, HTM0201 NHS Model Engineering Specification C11, BS EN ISO 11197 and the IEE Wiring The pendant shall be capable of surface of concealed mounting, with a shroud extension being provided for surface installations. A separate shroud shall be supplied to enclose the 1st fix mounting arrangement, electrical terminations and gas service connections. The shroud shall be adjustable to compensate for variation in the finished ceiling thickness. The standard range of BeaconMedæs Flexible, Rigid and Retractable Pendants are ‘CE’ marked under the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/ EEC with approval from notified body no. 0088 (Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance). Under this directive, the specified products are classified as Class IIa Medical Devices. U nde rside of false ceiling 5 00 square over shroud Retractable Pendant Atlas Copco Ltd. trading as Atlas Copco Medical Unit 18 Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK OX14 1RL www.beaconmedaes.com T yp ical surface m ou nted in sta llation S up po rt S tructu re L oa dings H orizon ta l - 12 00 N V ertica l - 32 00 N M in . p u llo u t lo a d re q u ired per fixing - 3500 N T yp ical con ce aled m ou nted in sta llation 2 00 in re tracte d position 5 00 in exte nd ed position The Retractable Pendant shall be supplied with flexible hoses manufactured to BS EN ISO 5359, with NIST connectors manufactured to BS EN ISO 18082. Gas-specific NIST fittings shall be permanently attached. Pressure gas systems shall incorporate a self-closing check valve in the 1st fix termination to enable hose replacement without disruption of the system. Hoses shall have a minimum internal bore of 6.35mm (1/4”) for all pressure gases except surgical air, which shall have a minimum internal bore of 8.02mm in order to provide a higher flow/lower pressure drop for surgical tools. Vacuum hoses shall also have a minimum internal bore of 8.02mm. M 12 screw ed rod, nuts & w ashe rs for fixin g to structu ra l ce ilin g supplied b y others 7 40 m in im um , 15 00 m axim um len gth (in re tracte d position) The pendants shall be octagonal in section, capable of mounting up to 8 medical gas/vacuum terminal units plus an anaesthetic gas scavenging terminal unit, along with 8 double gang and 8 single gang electric sockets/devices. Medical gas/vacuum services shall incorporate BeaconMedæs GEM terminal units and the anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal system shall incorporate a BeaconMedæs terminal unit to BS EN ISO 9170-2. Medical gas/vacuum services shall be arranged in accordance with HTM 2022 and HTM02-01 recommendations. Electrical installations shall conform to the IEE wiring regulations and BS EN ISO 11197, routed through flexible conduit and terminate in a junction box. Actu ator su pp ly te rm ina l bo x (if fitte d) The body of the pendant shall be manufactured from 1.6mm thick Zintec steel. The pendant body shall be supplied with an ‘easy clean’ high quality RAL9002 polyester powder coated finish. The gas fascia plate shall be manufactured in 2mm thick grade 304 stainless steel and shall have a non-reflective satin brushed grain finish. All pendants shall have a soft bumper strip around the
Abrir o catálogo na página 1Rigid Pendants A Structru al ceiling M 1 2 scre w e d ro d, n uts & w ash ers fo r fixin g to stru ctu ra l ceiling su pplied b y o thers Stru ctura l ceiling The retractable pendant shall extend and retract through a vertical range of 300mm at an approximate rate of 20mm/s and shall be powered by a single-phase linear actuator. The linear actuator shall operate from a 230V, 50 Hz electrical power supply (110V, 60 Hz also available) fused at 5A. An extra-low voltage (12V) remote hand controller shall operate the pendant and internal micro-switches shall break the control circuit at the...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Rigid/Retractable Pendant Order SheetPendant Type | Customer/Project [ Pendant quantity | Company Name [ Contact Person [ Date Added [ Required Date | ]of this configuration .e. Mounted on a Solid Ceiling Pendant Styie : I Painted jRAL9002) I Stainless Steel : Accessories: Medical Rail* Yes / No IV Hooks Yes i No Gases Section Input/Selection Required Electrical Section Viewed from Underside of Pendant Finished Floor Level Finished Floor Level Rigid Pendant Retractable Pendant Note: All Retractable Pendants have a single piece of Medical Rail fitted for Hand Controller Placement Maximum...
Abrir o catálogo na página 3In an effort to continuously improve our products, the right is reserved to change the specification of the items described herein at any time. Please contact us for further information and up to date specifications. Atlas Copco Ltd. trading as Atlas Copco Medical Unit 18 Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK OX14 1RL www.beaconmedaes.com
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos BeaconMedaes
Automatic Changeover Manifold
4 Páginas
Series B Premium
3 Páginas
Local alarm
4 Páginas
Central alarm
4 Páginas
Digital Medical Gas Alarms
4 Páginas
Zone Valve Boxes
4 Páginas
mVAC Medical Vacuum Systems
8 Páginas
Area Valve Box HTM/ISO Brochure
2 Páginas
TotalAlert Infinity HTM/ISO Brochure
12 Páginas
Medical Scroll Air Retrofit
4 Páginas
Flowmeters and Suction Regulators
9 Páginas
Ceiling Columns
2 Páginas
Medical Vacuum Filters
4 Páginas
Claw Medical Vacuum
8 Páginas
Hose Assemblies
2 Páginas
Total Alert Infinity Notification System
12 Páginas
Biomaster Additive
4 Páginas
Medical Gas Outlets
4 Páginas
Lifeline Manifolds
4 Páginas
Medical Equipment Air
8 Páginas
Medical Instrument Air
4 Páginas
ZMED Medical Air Systems
6 Páginas
Scroll Medical Air Systems
8 Páginas
Medical Air Dryers
2 Páginas
Magnis MSV
2 Páginas
12 Páginas
Lifeline® MCS
5 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
TotalAlert Infinity™ Notification System
12 Páginas
Medical Gas Retrofit Alarm
2 Páginas
Liquid Ring 'Camel' Vacuum Systems
2 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
BeaconMedaes Lifeline Manifolds
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Medical Gas Alarm Systems
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Medical Gas Outlets_2009
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Oxygen and Air Flowmeters
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Intermittent Suction Regulators
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Suction & Oxygen Therapy
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Medical Air Desiccant Dryers
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Instrument Air White Paper
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Z MED Medical Air Systems
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Scroll Medical Air Systems_2010
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Claw Vacuum System
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