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HTL MANDIBULAR ADVANCEMENT DEVICE DURABILITY, QUALITY AND COMFORT DIGITAL WORKFLOW At BTI Biotechnology Institute, we have optimised the materials and the production processes of our mandibular advancement devices from the original design through to its manufacture, to protect the teeth and prostheses and provide comfort and durability in order to guarantee patient satisfaction. Conditions such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and disorders associated with bruxism can now be treated in a safer, more reliable and successful way. Time saved in appointments for adjustments Minimum...
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# DURABILITY** PRECISION Thanks to digital optimisation, one of the advantages with this device is the time saved on appointments for making adjustments. The material used is hardwearing enough to handle the mechanical forces it will be submitted to on a daily basis. We rely on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that offers the optimal design for the device by analysing the biomechanical requirements of the patient. m COMFORT to FIT Our splints are designed with the minimal height the patient's anatomy will allow, to have the lowest impact possible on TMJ. We can even achieve...
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1. OBTAINING THE MODELS (ST) These models can be obtained by direct intraoral scanning (full digital flow), or by scanning a conventionally taken dental impression. 2. EXCLUSIVE SOFTWARE (FUNCTIONAL VIRTUAL ARTICULATOR) We customise the biomechanical movements of each patient to find perfectly defined and adjusted antagonist contacts. 3. ADJUSTMENT OF THE OCCLUSION Simulates the seating of the splint in the patient’s mouth. The design and the fit of the splint are micrometric. An entry vector is added to the splint, so as not to have to make adjustments in order to fit the splint in the...
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HTLCAD/CAM-Lab HTL CAD CAM Jacinto Quincoces 39 • 01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava) • SPAIN Tel: +34 945 160658 • Email: info@bticomercial.com
Abrir o catálogo na página 5Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos BTI Biotechnology Institute
BTI Root Extractor
4 Páginas
BTI UniCca® Surface
5 Páginas
BTI Surgical Instruments
48 Páginas
BTI Front Cutting Drill
6 Páginas
KEXIM Implant Extraction Kit
4 Páginas
6 Páginas
Quick Reference Guide Interna® Implants
11 Páginas
Quick Reference Guide Externa® Implants
11 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
2 Páginas
Endoret® (PRGF®) Wound Healing Kit
2 Páginas