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Veterinary Lightin State-of-the-art lighting solutions for nearly all veterinary applications.
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Veterinary Lighting Uncompromising performance, style and value are guaranteed. Philips Burton has just the right Veterinary lights to meet your needs, including energy and cost-efficient LED models. Offering Veterinary lights for nearly all applications, Philips Burton provides a range of products tailored to small animals as well as products specific for large animals. Our bright, cool lights lead in value and best of all, keep the veterinarian, staff and patient comfortable and safe. Philips Burton provides a range of lighting products tailored for use with both small and large animals....
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Examination Lights AIM-50 • 45,000 lux (4181 fc) at 1 meter • Extremely smooth focus mechanism with center sterilizable handle • 360° limitless arm-and-mounting-systemrotation around vertical axes (on single ceiling models) AIM LED • 45,000 lux (4181 fc) at 1 meter • Uses 55% less energy compared to traditional light sources • 3 LED modules with a 20,000-hour life • Adjustable focus using center handle NOVA EXAM LED • Illuminance: - Low level: 25,000 lux (2323 fc) at 18" (46 cm) - High level: 50,000 lux (4645 fc) at 18" (46 cm) • Two LED light modules with a 40,000-hour life each • Patented...
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Ordering Information A50SC AIM-50 single ceiling mount A50DC AIM-50 double ceiling mount ALE DSC AIM LED single ceiling mount ALEDDC AIM LED double ceiling mount ALEDW AIM LED wall mount NXFL Nova Exam LED floorstand NXT Nova Exam LED Table mount NXW Nova Exam LED wall mount NXC Nova Exam LED ceiling mount SE50FL Super Exam 50 LED floorstand SE50R Super Exam 50 LED rail, DIN 25 SE50R1 Super Exam 50 LED rail, Fairfield SE50SC Super Exam 50 LED single ceiling mount SE50W Super Exam 50 LED wall mount SE50T Super Exam 50 LED table mount SE50LFL Super Exam 50 LED floorstand SE50LR Super Exam 50...
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Burton Medical
Super Bright Spot® LED
4 Páginas
Outpatient II
2 Páginas
4 Páginas
XenaLux™ and LED HL70 & HL30
3 Páginas
LE 50® LED
2 Páginas
Medical lighting catalog
52 Páginas
UV Light
2 Páginas
Epic® LED Magnifier
2 Páginas
UV LED Magnifier
2 Páginas
Super Exam® 50 & Super Exam® 50 LED
4 Páginas
Outpatient® LED
4 Páginas
Nova Exam® LED
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Burton Catalog
52 Páginas
Super Exam LED
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
AIM-200 OR
4 Páginas
Product Highlights
2 Páginas
Wave LED
2 Páginas
Carelite LED
2 Páginas
Super Exam 50 & Super Exam 50 LED
4 Páginas
Outpatient LED
2 Páginas
Philips Burton Catalog
54 Páginas
Surgery/ED/ASC/ Trauma Lighting
4 Páginas
Veterinary Lighting
4 Páginas
Nova Exam LED
6 Páginas
N u a n c e E l i t e
2 Páginas
L i g h t C a r e s s X C
2 Páginas
L i g h t C a r e s s P C
2 Páginas
Nightguide D
4 Páginas
Super Bright Spot®
2 Páginas
Super Exam 50® LED
4 Páginas
Super Exam 50®
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Outpatient® II
4 Páginas
CoolSpot II®
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
2 Páginas
OR 160
4 Páginas
AIM-200® OR
4 Páginas
AIM-100® Double Ceiling
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Wave® Plus
2 Páginas
UV Light
2 Páginas
Epic® Magnifier
2 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
philips burton catalog
64 Páginas