VitalStim® Plus
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VitalStim® Plus - 1

VitalStim® Plus Electrotherapy and sEMG Biofeedback System Activate the Power to Swallow

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VitalStim® Plus - 2

Enhance Therapy with sEMG Biofeedback Technology Interactive Therapy allows patients to receive visual and audible feedback leading to enhanced patient engagement during swallowing exercises. Supplementing a standard therapy program with sEMG biofeedback facilitates functional swallowing recovery.1 Project live treatment progress onto a computer or tablet screen. The Screen Mirroring technology allows clinicians to guide patients through personalized, targeted swallowing exercises. Preset or customized programs allow the provider to truly customize treatments while biofeedback and visuals...

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VitalStim® Plus - 3

Electrotherapy and sEMG Biofeedback System Patient Data Treatment data on stimulation and sEMG can be stored, displayed or exported to a PC to track patient progress and generate reports. VitalStim Treatment sEMG Treatment The VitalStim waveform is delivered in Co-Contraction Mode. Up to four separate channels deliver stimulation concurrently and pause at the same time. Electrical signals in the muscle are measured and displayed on a screen and are amplified into sounds that the patient can hear. This feedback increases patient effort and participation, and provides the data and...

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VitalStim® Plus - 4

Ordering Information Part Number Vitalstim Plus Electrotherapy System Vitalstim Plus Snap Lead Wires Accessories Included in Standard Kit 13-8083 Vitalstim Plus Reference Emg Lead Wire Vitalstim Plus Hand Switch Vitalstim Plus Stand Vitalstim Plus Stylus Vitalstim Plus Rubber Sleeve Vitalstim Plus Reference Emg Electrode Vitalstim Adult Electrodes, 12 Pack Vitalstim Adult Electrodes, 30 Pack Vitalstim Adult Electrodes, 50 Pack Vitalstim Adult Electrodes, 100 Pack VitalStim Plus Battery Door The VitalStim® Plus Electrotherapy and sEMG Biofeedback System Activate the Power to Swallow Contact...

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