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Suction unit V 2400 – High performance for 8 workstations COMPrESSED AIr SUCTIOn IMAGInG DEnTAl CArE HYGIEnE The suction unit V 2400 is used with dry air suction systems. The chief principle here is: short transport distances for aspirated substances, separation or separation combined with the treatment unit and dry, clean air passages for the suction unit. ▪ Enables supply for up to 14 treatment workstations ▪ Up to 8 workstations simultaneously ▪ Delivered ready-mounted on a floor-standing console ▪ 2 Condensate separators with preassembled control unit Made in Germany
Abrir o catálogo na página 1V 2400 from Dürr Dental – Suction supplied to perfection The V-suction unit is suitable for use in dry air suction systems. The advantage is, that the suction unit can be set up in any suitable room whatsoever regardless of the actual supply lines present in the building (also upper or lower floors). The necessary air flow and vacuum are generated according to the bypass compression principle. A condensate separator is fitted to the V-suction unit on the vacuum-side, which serves to collect any conden- sate which might arise in the plumbing system, and then feeds this to the exterior of the...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Dürr Dental
Brochure Compressors
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Power Tower Silence 200
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VC 45
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VistaVox S
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VistaCam iX
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Hygoclave 90
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Brochure DBSWIN 5
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AR Marker
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Vista Pano S Ceph
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Brochure VistaScan Mini Easy
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Brochure Tyscor Pulse
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Tyscor V 2
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Hygoclave 30
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TFT monitor and mounting solution
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CA 4
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Tyscor Pulse
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V/VS suction system
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Vector Scaler
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Duo Tandem Med
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VistaPano S
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Periomat Plus
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Brochure digital Xray
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PTS 200
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PTS 120
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Cannula brochure
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hygiene technology
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DSH range package
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Brochure Vector
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Brochure VistaIntra DC
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Brochure Imaging
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Vector Paro
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V / VS / VSA 300 S
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CA 1
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General catalog
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Film developing
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