HF_525 plus
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HF_525 plus - 1

General Purpose Radiographic System General Purpose Radiographic system System EcoRay offers you durable and powerful radiographic imaging solution with our own unique high frequency technology HF-525Plus is an affordable and dependable general radiographic system designed for flexibility and friendly use in all general radiographic examinations. It is custom-configured to your specific clinical requirements, including Chest, Spine, complete Skeletal, Abdominal, Urological studies. Reviewing the features of machine makes you discover the HF-525Plus provides exceptional ergonomics and ease of use. The main features are… High Frequency X-ray Generators SPECIFICATIONS Category/Range Radiographic kV range/Accuracy Radiographic mA range Exposure Time Range Accuracy High Voltage Ripple(TYP) Automatic Exposure Control (up to 2 chambers) 16 steps density adjustment (Optional) Anatomical Programming Uninterruptible Power Supply Line Voltage (phase) Accuracy Power Output Ratings (at 0.1Sec) ●Different types of high performance generators based on its own high frequency technology ●Heavy duty structure, smooth and pedestal 4-way floating table ●Fully counter-balanced, dual rope floor mounted tube stand running on floor rail with 360 degree rotating stand and tube. ●Electromagnetic locks for easy positioning wall bucky stand ●User-friendly flat surface control panel ●Anatomical programming (APR) by morphology, view and body parts (user programming) ●Modular design that saves space to virtually fit into any clinical environment. ●No room cabinet Optional PSU (UPS with Ultra Capacitors) 220-230VAC, 50/60Hz, Single Phase Automatic Line compensation Dimensions Weight (Approx.) 380-400VAC, 50/60Hz, Three phase ± 10% 590 x 600 x 440mm. (Approx) ※Above specifications are subjects to change. Internal appearance of High Frequency Generator - Broad clinical flexibility - Excellent image quality - Productivity-enhancing ease of use - Easy-to-use control decreases setup and exam time. - Ergonomic table design to handle increasing caseloads HF-525Plus High Frequency Inverter Generators perform high level reliability with LCD/Touch Screen console. Easy to use, clear mapping & display to verify button control. User friendly interface with large scope of APR (Anatomical Programmable Radiography) 3-point technique covering different examinations AEC (Auto Exposure Control) makes quick & easy operation (optional) DAP (Dose Area Product) function is available (optional) The HFG size will be slightly different upon its specification

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HF_525 plus - 2

High Frequency Generator for High Quality Imaging... Category / Range High Frequency Inverter type Exposure Time 3-field ionization chamber(s) with AEC board (optional) LED type (standard) / LCD or Touch Screen console (optional) Line voltage & phase Focal spots (dual) 26cm From 63 to 187cm (from floor) Wide 4way floating top (standard) Longitudinal travel Transverse travel Cassette tray Type Grid Reciprocating grid (10:1 standard) Tabletop Material : Available from 800mA output Bucky travel : Film format : Grid ratio and density : Up/down elevation with motor control (4 way floating...

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