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ALPHAMAX - MEDICAL SERVICES PANELS & WALL BOXES Medical Service Panels (Flush Mounted) AlphaMax - Horizontal or Vertical Services Panels ESCO AlphaMax range of medical services panels are a premium flush mounted panel system (covered by a patent) that have the ability to incorporate a large variety of services whilst the panel systems small rolled edges aid in maximising infection control Understanding the regulatory standards and critical environments in which our medical services panels are required is a great strength of ESCO, and as such the AlphaMax panel configurations are designed in conjunction with our clients to ensure we meet their specific needs FEATURES Installed after wall sheeting (not before) Can be either stand alone panels or a continuous wall to wall system Requires No adjustment of outlet height due to variations in wall board thickness Requires only one readily removed face plate to cover a group of dissimilar outlets (e.g. Power, Data, Medical Gas) The face plates can be supplied in either brushed stainless steel or powder coated in desired colour The system has a minimum number of vertical face plate joints in a wall to wall system plus a minimum number of face plate screws Face Plates are only 5mm deep with formed edges providing a tight seal against the plasterboard Special wall noggins can be supplied for systems with a large number of outlets requiring them to be positioned across wall studs and in back to back situations AlphaMax Panel Recessed (Flush) Wall Mounted
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ESCO MEDICON MEDICAL SYSTEMS Installing AlphaMax is the simplest solution available AlphaMax is installed after the wall sheeting, the layout and hole cutting is simple and requires a horizontal centre line to be marked firstly on the wall surface Using the metal template provided, the wall box cut outs are marked and holes drilled to secure the wall box Obviously, if the service outlet panels are positioned over wall studs these studs will have to be partially cut away However pre-planning of the wall framing can avoid this situation and is a must if back to back mounting of the...
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ALPHAMAX (RECESSED) MEDICAL SERVICES PANELS AlphaMax Wall Panel Recessed (Flush) finished in Powder Coated (Pearl White) installed in Frankston Hospital - Melbourne AlphaMax Medical Service Panels available in any configuration to suit ESCO AlphaMax offers a complete range of Wall Boxes for ease of mounting and adjustment of depth to suit different products
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MEDICON MEDICAL SYSTEMS Medical Service Panels available in any configuration to suit ESCO offers a complete range of Medical Services Panels Flush Mounted (Recessed) options include.. AlphaMax Beta Alpha Surface Mounted options include.. Max50 Med100 Med50 LM50 All medical devices manufactured by ESCO are registered with the (TGA) Therapeutic Goods Association MEDICON ALPHAMAX Vertimax allow prepiped services and are commonly used in wards and high intensive units. These units are easy to install and can be fully wired and factory tested to your country standards. ALPHAMAX...
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1 Páginas
Medical Gas Outlets & Wall Fittings
2 Páginas
Sigma Pendant Brochure
12 Páginas
Sigma Series
34 Páginas
Pendant Arm Brochure
17 Páginas