Idiag M360
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Idiag M360 - 1


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Idiag M360 - 2

Idiag M360 — The radiation-free back scan: Simple, fast, precise Table of contents 1. What is the Idiag M360? 2. In which areas can the Idiag M360 be applied? 3. For whom is the Idiag M360 appropriate? 4. Client views from different specialist areas 5. Idiag M360 – Treatment success made visible 6. Sequence of an Idiag spine check 7. Documentation 8. Targeted training programme 9. Professional statistics 10. Example of application in the sagittal plane 11. Example of application in the frontal plane 12. Example from practice 13. Some of our cooperating partners 14. Scientific findings 15....

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Idiag M360 - 3

2. IN WHICH AREAS CAN THE IDIAG M360 BE APPLIED? Medical analysis • • • Individual radiation-free back scan for targeted therapies. Optimised treatment response and reduced risks. Functional diagnostics complementary to radiological examination. Therapy control • • Transparent patient information in the form of simple, easily understandable graphs. Exact information from the geometry of the spinal column for the documentation of treatment success. Identification of possible anomalies by means of a well-founded analysis of the posture, mobility and muscular stability. Generation of relevant...

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Idiag M360 - 4

4. CLIENT VIEWS FROM DIFFERENT SPECIALIST AREAS Clinic Priv. – Doz. Dr. med. Philip Catalá-Lehnen, LANS MEDICUM, Hamburg “In the present sports medicine’s diagnostics and therapy, it is of fundamental importance to obtain an analysis of the cause of the pathologies. The Idiag M360 is in our practice an indispensable tool to generate in a quick and uncomplicated manner as much detailed information as possible to plan an individually structured therapy for the patient.” Orthopaedics / sports medicine Dr. med. Stefan Bärreiter, Specialist in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Cologne “Results of...

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Idiag M360 - 5

Occupational health management (BGM) Marc Henkel, Inhaber Physiotherapie und MACC.FITNESS, Bochum ”We have been using the Idiag M360 in our PhysioAktiv practice since the beginning of 2020. Therapists and trainers, as well as patients and members, are impressed by the analysis and valuable information generated by the system (also as PDF). The results of the spine check serve as an aid in therapy and support us in the transition to the self-payer sector. It ensures that we are constantly gaining new members.” Chiropractic Sven Peters, Naturopath - Vitalpraxis, Kempten “At the completion of...

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Idiag M360 - 6

5. IDIAG M360 – TREATMENT SUCCESS MADE VISIBLE Improvement of the treatment and training quality • • • • Quick determination of the geometrical information of the spinal column: Posture, mobility and muscular stability. Uncomplicated substantiated analyses - fast and precise. Identification of anomalies and problem areas. Targeted treatment and training programme- increasing the effectiveness of the training. Efficiently monitoring the progress of therapy and training • • • • Automated training programme High quality documentation of condition and progress Quality assurance of therapy and...

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Idiag M360 - 7

6. SEQUENCE OF AN IDIAG SPINE CHECK Basically, any sequence of checks in the sagittal and frontal plate could be chosen and saved as specific testing plan. As one of the pre-configured standard testing plans, the Idiag Spine Check can be used to determine the basic parameters of posture, mobility and muscular stability. For this purpose, scanning is conducted in three typical positions. Neutral, sagittal standing The original sagittal position is determined in the upright position. This serves to assess the posture of the spinal column and the sacrum in relation to the perpendicular line....

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Idiag M360 - 8

7. DOCUMENTATION Report All registered data are stored. The Idiag M360 grants valuable support in the treatment programme, as well as in monitoring the progress. At the touch of a button, detailed documentation for specialist colleagues, treating doctors and medical aid funds and insurance firms could be generated. Therapies or measures necessary are documented in a clear and substantiated manner. Quality assurance of therapy and training You obtain objective information on the condition of the spinal column with the Idiag M360. The evaluations and graphs enable standardised treatment of...

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Idiag M360 - 9

8. TARGETED TRAINING PROGRAMME Automated exercise recommendations Based on the results of the examination, the software generates a training programme to treat anomalies that were discovered. The therapist can modify and individually adapt this as required. The patient or client can understand the necessity, and later the success, of the prescribed or offered therapeutic or training instruction. He realises the countervalue of the money, time and “sweat” invested, which leads to increased motivation. Quality information about the condition of the spinal column, risks, posture and muscular...

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Idiag M360 - 10

10. EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION IN THE SAGITTAL PLANE Regional viewing of the posture Presented in the image on the left is the flexion posture, in the middle of the scan the upright posture and to the right the posture after the 30 seconds extended arm test. Black numbers mean that the value lies within the reference area, red numbers mean the value lies outside of the norm. The reference groups are persons of the same age and gender who are free of symptoms. On viewing the posture on the regional level one can see that the person in the upright posture has a normal thoracic kyphosis and lumbar...

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Idiag M360 - 11

Regional viewing of the mobility The mobility of individual segments is displayed a bit more precisely on the segmental level. From Th1-L5 one can see the joint movement of each individual spinal segment. The segments Th1/2 and Th10/11 display greater movement ventrally than the reference group in this segment (red number). From Th2/3-Th9/10 hardly any movement is visible (values between 1°-0°- -1°), which correspond with the norm (black number - the value lies within the grey bar). The segment L5/S1 reveals hypermobility. The values of the segmental movement are reflected in the score....

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