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INTEGRITY MEDICAL DEVICES, INC. Section 1: Identification Product Identifier: Sterile Xeroform Petrolatum Dressing Synonyms: Xeroform Petrolatum Dressing Manufacturer Stock Numbers: 24-0220, 24-0440, 24-1590, 24-3180 Distributed by: INTEGRITY MEDICAL DEVICES, INC. Address: 360 FAIRVIEW AVE City, State, Zip Code: HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 Telephone: 609-567-8175 Emergency Number: Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300 Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification Bismuth Tribromophenate CAS No.: 5175-83-7 3.0 % Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients Boiling Range: No data available Evaporation Range: No data available Volatiles Volume: 0 at 25 degrees C Appearance: Cotton gauze impregnated with a yellowish ointment Vapor Density: Not applicable. Specific Gravity: Not applicable Section 4: First-Aid Measures Threshold Limit Value: No data available. Effects of Overexposure: No data available. First Aid: Ingestion: No data available
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Eye Contact: May cause mild irritation. Skin Contact: This product is not expected to be harmful when in contact with the skin. Inhalation: No data available. Additional Information: None. Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures Flammability Class: No data available. Extinguishable Media: Dry Chemical or Water Fog or CO2 or Foam of Sand/Earth. Closed containers exposed to fire may be cooled with water. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Water spray is an unsuitable extinguishing agent. (See extinguishing media) Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None....
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Eye Protection: Not normally needed. Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur Incompatibility: May react with strong oxidizing agents such as chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, etc. Conditions to Avoid: No data available Section 11: Toxicological Information Toxicological information: No data available. Section 12: Ecological Information* (non-mandatory) Section 13: Disposal Considerations* (non-mandatory) Section 14: Transport Information* (non-mandatory) Section 15:...
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Integrity Oil Emulsion SDS
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